Poonam W

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About Poonam W

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 03/26/1987

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  1. Installation Problems

    Hello, The File version is PFA image. FC Version.bmp
  2. Installation Problems

    Hi Rohan, It's an assembly version of Fusion chart dll..... Attached is the screenshort, pl check. FC Version.bmp
  3. Installation Problems

    Hi Rahul, We got Fusion Chart version on server. What will you advice for this version? shall we re-install the package over this version? Pl suggest.
  4. Installation Problems

    Hi Rahul, If i install latest version then would all the created fusion charts on web pages will get affected/vanished? bcoz we have created many complex charts on webpages and it's on live server Best Regards, Poonam.
  5. Installation Problems

    Hi Rahul, Seems it's not working, I tried to login with many accounts and when browse to http://servername/(subsite)/_layouts/FusionCharts/FCLists.aspx it display UserName as Logged-in User Name: System Account. Got no clue why this is happening. I got one query, Is this FusionChart_log list should be present at Subsite(s) level....I just check it's only present at Top level site/at root site.
  6. Installation Problems

    Hi Rahul, I followed the listed procedure, logged in with the user having Read permission on site, and navigated to the mentione link. Pl Check the attchment. FusionCharts.Check.bmp
  7. Installation Problems

    Hi Rahul, Tried with the above steps, facing the same error again. Actually We install the latest beta version of FusionChart for moss 2007, and when I browse the webservice which shows in log list http://servername/layouts/FusionCharts/WebService.aspx it's says "The XML page cannot be displayed".
  8. Installation Problems

    Hi Rahul, to continue with the same error, i also found that , When i browse webservice whice is listed in error log page(http://servername/_layouts/FusionCharts/WebService.aspx ), it's says The XML page cannot be displayed. attached is the screenshot. And what is this exception about : Requested registry access is not allowed. (is this talking about permission on webservice?)
  9. Installation Problems

    After runninh ListUtil.exe, i found 1 error log in FusionCharts_LogList. but today when other users are trying to add/edit webpart they are getting the error, and it's not getting logged in the list. And the main concern is I don't get this error when i launch FusionCharts Wizard. but for other users it's throwing the error.
  10. Installation Problems

    Hi Rahul, Thanks for quick reply. It's the same error log which is there in PDF file , This error I found yesterday after running ListUtil.exe. But today i didn't saw any new entry in this list for "Could not get data for chart" error. ScreenShort.bmpChartWithError.bmp ChartWithError.bmp ChartWithError.bmp
  11. Installation Problems

    we are facing strange issue on Sharepoint Fusion chart webpart : I am an admin for the one of the sharepoint site, I don't get this error. but some of our business users(having full rights on site) facing this error when they try to use the Fusion chart webpart. "Could not get data for chart" error shows on user's machine but when i open chart from my system it's worked fine. We have downloaded the ListUtil.exe and run on server, the issue fixed for the day but it re-occurs on next day. Could you suggest something on this? Plese see the attchment. Thanks.