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Everything posted by sherman770

  1. When I try to use getDataWithId() in my project on a DragColumn2D chart, I get an error that the "Object has no method 'getDataWithId'." To simplify, I also get the error when working with the demo project in PowerCharts_XT_Developer/Code/DragColumn All you need to do is execute the method getDataFromChart() in the demo and it throws the error. See attached screenshot.
  2. Broken Candlestick Charts

    Hi, I have just upgraded my company to the newest powercharts and I am having major problems. All of the charts are blowing through the top. It appears that the y-axis scaling is completely non-functional. I have attached a pic of the chart and the code/data below. I have also found a bunch of other bugs with the rendering of these charts, but let's just start here and work through it. CODE function GetChart() { FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer("javascript"); var myChart = new FusionCharts("/FusionCharts/CandleStick.swf", "chart", "700", "500", "0", "1"); myChart.setJSONUrl("/Candlesticks/GetChart"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); } JSON {"chart": {"numpdivlines":"5","bearbordercolor":"E33C3C","bearfillcolor":"E33C3C","bullbordercolor":"1F3165","pyaxisname":"Price","vyaxisname":"Volume","volumeheightpercent":20}, "categories":[{"category":[{"label":"2006","x":"1","showline":"1"}]}], "dataset":[{"data":[{"open":"199.5","close":"250","high":"250","low":"199.5","x":6,"volume":"4"},{"open":"200","close":"183.333","high":"240","low":"175","x":7,"volume":"16"},{"open":"188.889","close":"250","high":"250","low":"188.889","x":8,"volume":"15"},{"open":"210","close":"300","high":"300","low":"163.636","x":9,"volume":"4"},{"open":"172.917","close":"170","high":"184.5","low":"170","x":10,"volume":"6"},{"open":"173","close":"172","high":"181.818","low":"165","x":11,"volume":"11"}]}]}