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Everything posted by giglesias

  1. I have a page (c# in with 4 fusion charts, all works ok, but my web site have a master page, so when on the charts page set the master page file, i received an javascript error "invalid argument" on line:76. I saw another samples on the web and all it's the same and my project must be run ok. Please, help me. best regards Gustavo Iglesias
  2. Invalid Argument With Masterpage

    Thanks so much, you are a genious jejejjejeje The problem was fixed but why i need the compatibility mode enabled? de fusioncharts v3 run only with previous version or i need use another fusion charts version?? thanks again gus
  3. Please Help

    i try to do some different charts with and really data to show in my company for try to buy the soft for our intranet. I did a pie 3d and all work ok but now i have a big problem because i need a stacked chart, i make my code help me with source on internet. I have a similar source that a code that run ok but my code not run correctly i receive the message "no data to display"..please i need help thanks...this is my source clsMain obj = new clsMain(); DataTable objDt = obj.GetEstadistica_EstadosTipoPedido(); #region GeneraGrafico StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder(); xmlData.Append("<chart caption='Sales' numberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='0'>"); #region Crea el eje de tipos de pedido xmlData.Append("<tipos>"); DataTable dtTiposPedido = objDt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "tipopedido"); foreach (DataRow Row in dtTiposPedido.Rows) { xmlData+= "<tipopedido name='" + Row["tipopedido"].ToString().Trim() + "' />"; } xmlData.Append("</tipos>"); #endregion #region Crea el eje de estados DataTable dtEstados = objDt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "estadodesc"); DataView objDv = objDt.DefaultView; foreach (DataRow Row in dtEstados.Rows) { xmlData.Append("<dataset seriesName='" + Row["estadodesc"].ToString().Trim() + "'>"); foreach (DataRow Row2 in dtTiposPedido.Rows ) { objDv.RowFilter = "tipopedido='" + Row2["tipopedido"].ToString().Trim() + "' and estadodesc='" + Row["estadodesc"].ToString().Trim() + "'"; if (objDv.Count > 0) xmlData.AppendFormat("<set value='{0}' />", objDv[0]["cantidad"].ToString()); else xmlData.AppendFormat("<set value='{0}' />", "1"); } xmlData.Append("</dataset>"); } #endregion xmlData.Append("</chart>"); Literal1.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("Charts/StackedColumn3D.swf", "", xmlData.ToString(), "EstadosTipoPedido", "600", "300", false, true);