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About samkwitty

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  1. Rendering To Javascript Crashes Firefox Locks Up Ie8

    Angie, Our product is targeted to be released by the end of this month and it is suppose to run on the iPad. Is there any information you can share that might help us find a work around for this issue. Maybe there is something different we can do with how we setup the data to not trigger whatever this issues is. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Rendering To Javascript Crashes Firefox Locks Up Ie8

    Angie... Thanks for the update... is there an estimate when the next release might be?
  3. Rendering To Javascript Crashes Firefox Locks Up Ie8

    Any update on this issue?
  4. Rendering To Javascript Crashes Firefox Locks Up Ie8

    No one can post more info on what is causing this?
  5. Rendering To Javascript Crashes Firefox Locks Up Ie8

    Sanjukta, Is it fair to say that the HTML5 version of FC does not work for scatter charts given this issue? -Yuri
  6. Rendering To Javascript Crashes Firefox Locks Up Ie8

    Sanjukta, Thanks for the reply. Can you give more information as to what is breaking the chart? Is there a workaround or a way to craft the xml file so it does not break? -Sam
  7. Rendering To Javascript Crashes Firefox Locks Up Ie8

    One other thing... on the iPad it just does not render. It looks like it runs the script, detects that the script will never end and quits trying. The end result is no chart.
  8. Rendering To Javascript Crashes Firefox Locks Up Ie8

    Can someone confirm that they can reproduce this issue? Also if this is a bug is there a possible work around? As it stands right now the Javascript version is unusable.
  9. The attached data file is for a scatter plot. It works correctly in Flash but does not work in HTML5 Javascript. If you run this in Firefox the browser crashes. If you run it in IE8 you get a dialog box that allows you stop the running script. Note that you will have to edit the path to FussionCharts.js
  10. Can't Get I18N To Work (Japanese In This Case)

    Turns out I was missing the BOM characters. However, since I am using a JSP to generate the graph as a scriplet I could not do: response.getOutputStream().write( new byte[]{(byte)0xEF, (byte)0xBB, (byte)0xBF} ); If anyone runs into this in the future you can do: <% out.write(new String(new byte[]{(byte)0xEF, (byte)0xBB, (byte)0xBF}, 0, 3, "utf-8")); %>
  11. I am trying to display some Japanese text in the charts. I am passing the data to the chart via a URL. When I look at what is returned in FireFox the XML looks correct and you can see the right Japanese words in it. See below... <chart caption="バイタルサイン" subCaption="Heart, Breathing and Motion"> ... </chart> However when it is displayed in the chart it looks wrong. See attached image. The title is displaying some other characters. I know it is not a page encoding issue because when the encoding is wrong you get "????" not funny characters. The HTTP header for the data looks like so: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml; utf-8;charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Encoding: gzip Vary: Accept-Encoding What am I missing?
  12. FCTime is not unique

    How is FCTime generated? I am seeing that it generates the same numbers when the page is refreshed which means in IE it returns some cached version. I would have expected FCTime to be always unique and never generate the same number twice (like time in milliseconds for example) but that is not the case. Any insight would be appreciated.
  13. Override bar chart 2d axis labels

    That is tricky... but it works. Thanks for the tip! Related to this. Is it possible to stagger trend line labels like you can with the axis labels?
  14. Is it possible to override the a-axis labels on a bar chart 2D? Using this as an example I would like to replace the salary numbers on the x-axis with some other labels. So instead of $0k, $200k, $400k... etc I want to say Low, medium, high. Thanks -Sam
  15. showLables on the set statement don't work

    According to your doc it is in both places. I set it to "1" both on the chart and dataset.