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About Datavator

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Flash Player 10.1 urgent issue

    Great news! Works for me. Thanks very much for the advice - I have advised our users.
  2. Flash Player 10.1 urgent issue

    That's a month now since your last post. Have your developers made any progress yet? I am going to give up shortly and start checking out FileMaker chart plug-ins.
  3. Flash Player 10.1 urgent issue

    I understand you're working on this, from your repeated message, but I am being bombarded with complaints. I am wondering though, is this a fault with Flash Player, since it was fine before, that they might fix in their next version. Or is it something Fusioncharts have to modify their code for to work with the latest version of Flash Player?
  4. Flash Player 10.1 urgent issue

    Great news, can't wait for the fix. I have over 1000 users around the country affected by this fault. I reverted my flash player to and the problem has gone, but that's only on my computer. I had to remove registry keys in order to install the previous version of flash player and I can't ask all our clients to do that! If anyone knows a safe and simple way for non-IT people to backdate flash player until FusionCharts produce their fix, it would be greatly appreciated.