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Everything posted by KenBonny

  1. Hide Line

    I have an XML that shows me multiple lines (a Multi-Series 2D Line Chart). To keep things tidy, I'd like to hide some lines from the start. I've found an example to set the line thickness to 0.1, but then I can't change that. What I want to accomplish is to hide the line as if I clicked on the ledgend. But without the clicking. Is there an XML option I can set? I did not find this in the docs on your site, nor through google. Thanks in advance!
  2. I have on my page a zoom line. I have maximum about 700 points on it. (One for each day for a period of 2 years.) Because it's a lot of points, he groups some of those days, so if I stand on one part of the graph it will show me that the change in the line happens on 3-5-11 while the actual date is 2-5-11. Is there any way to show the actual date? (Look at image to get example.) The second thing is: there are too many labels on the X-axis. Can I limit the amount of labels to, say, 24? Thanks in advance!
  3. Hide Line

    Thanks for the swift reply. Guess my clients will have to be clicking on their own then.
  4. Hide Line

    Thanks for the welcome. Attached you will find two screenshots of one chart. The one named "Original.bmp" is how the chart shows up when I load the page. The one named "Preffered.bmp" is how I would like to see the chart when I load the page. Original.bmp Preffered.bmp