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About billbugger

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Save Chart and Using Links in the Chart

    Same problem here but I tested it in IE6. Links seem to broke when saving the image. It works great in Firefox...
  2. ChartNoDataText Font

    Is there any way to specify the ChartNoDataText font size?
  3. French character don't display

    ... That was so simple I feel kind of dumb Thanks a lot for the quick support
  4. Hi, i've been trying to create a french version of my charts. I've read all the thread on the subject on this forum and none solved my problem. All my files are encoded in UTF-8 and I use setDataURL to update my charts. Here is a sample of my XML returned by my php page : <chart caption="Total cost for 2007" subCaption="per Month" slantLabels="1" showBorder="0" showPercentinToolTips="1" showValues="0" labelDisplay="ROTATE" decimals="2" formatnumber="1" formatNumberScale="1" numberSuffix=" USD" seriesNameInToolTip="0"> <set label="FEV" value="640518.28" link="javascript:updateTowerChart("02","IBEL01","FRA")"/> ... <set label="AO