Mohammed Azhar

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About Mohammed Azhar

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Change The Color Or Individual Bars In Stackedbar 3D Graph worked out....Thanks a lot for the help :)
  2. Change The Color Or Individual Bars In Stackedbar 3D Graph worked out ) Do we have the list of color codes to refer? Color codes from the following websites are not working When ever i am applying any of the color it turns to black. Regards, Azhar
  3. Hi, Can we change the color of Individual bars displayed in a StackedBar3D graph? Tried changing in the XML file but it automatically changes to black. Any sugesstions? Thanks, Azhar
  4. Change The Width And Height Of Stackedbar 3D Chart

    Due to some reason "plotSpacePercent" attribute is not working for my graphs . Tried with <Chart ...plotSpacePercent='80'.... <Chart....plotSpacePercent='80%'...
  5. Change The Width And Height Of Stackedbar 3D Chart

    Angshu, Wanted to know, is there is any way to set the space between each bars displayed in the charts?
  6. Change The Width And Height Of Stackedbar 3D Chart

    sad to hear that ... But thanks for the quick reply.
  7. Hi, I am using fusion charts and able to construct a StackedBar 3d graph. Bars are displayed in a horizontal position from the Y-Axis. Is there any way to control the width and height of each bar. As it is getting varied when there is a variation in the number of Y-Axis values. PFA for reference. Quick help is much appreciated Thanks, Azhar