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About OliM

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  1. Thank you Angshu! Works like a charm.
  2. Hello, I created a pie chart rendered in javascript and using a json object as data source and having links (using the newchart-json-id structure), the chart displays fine on load, but when I click on the sections, the links show me a No data to display message. Here is my json object structure : { "chart": { "caption": "", "subcaption": "", "manageLabelOverflow": "1", "xAxisName": "Week", "yAxisName": "Sales", "numberPrefix": "$", "showBorder": "0", "bgAlpha": "0,0", "pieRadius": "100", "enableRotation": "1", "showpercentvalues": "1" }, "linkeddata": [{ "id": "Alimentation", "linkedcharts": { "chart": { "caption": "", "subcaption": "", "manageLabelOverflow": "1", "xAxisName": "Week", "yAxisName": "Sales", "numberPrefix": "$", "showBorder": "0", "bgAlpha": "0,0", "pieRadius": "100", "enableRotation": "1", "showpercentvalues": "1" }, "data": [{ "value": 4161.3, "label": "Restaurants" }, { "value": 42.8, "label": "Boissons Alcoolisees" }, { "value": 0, "label": "epicerie" }] } }, { "id": "Animaux", "linkedcharts": { "chart": { "caption": "", "subcaption": "", "manageLabelOverflow": "1", "xAxisName": "Week", "yAxisName": "Sales", "numberPrefix": "$", "showBorder": "0", "bgAlpha": "0,0", "pieRadius": "100", "enableRotation": "1", "showpercentvalues": "1" }, "data": [{ "value": 0, "label": "Nourriture" }, { "value": 0, "label": "Ponzu" }, { "value": 119.69999999999999, "label": "Konbu" }, { "value": 0, "label": "Katsuo" }] } }], "data": [{ "value": 4764.3, "label": "Alimentation", "link": "newchart-json-Alimentation" }, { "value": 119.69999999999999, "label": "Animaux", "link": "newchart-json-Animaux" }] } Is there anything amiss in my object or maybe it could be because I'm using the free version for now? Thank you!