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About karthi

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    Forum Newbie
  1. How To Load Heat Map In Presto

    Hi Sumedh, Thanks for the quick reply. I just downloaded the HeatMap.swf and added in our Presto app and pointed to it for loading purpose. But am getting FusionCharts v3.2 Evaluation. Presto has a licensed version of Fusion charts right? What should be done in order to remove this. Can you please guide me on this. Regards, Chandrasekhar.R
  2. Hi, I have been developing charts using Fusion charts in Presto. This is the first time am trying to develop heat map from Power charts. When i checked i was not able to find HeatMap.swf in the library. But i could find Spline.swf which is also a Power charts swf. Is that because its not updated to v3.2. So what should i do in order to get the heatmap chart built. Can i just download only HeatMap.swf and just include it in html. Is that enough to build heatmap chart. Should i include any js for using Power charts swfs or is it enough if i just include that swf file. var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" ); How should i change the path of the swf file for HeatMap.swf using Power charts. Can you please brief me on this. Regards, karthi