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About razr99

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Allowing complete exporting/printing for a scroll chart. Currently one can only export/print the visible area of the chart. Thanks Cleibe Souza.
  2. I have to render a number of charts in the same page and the data comes from a MySQL db. The issue that I have is the page is rendering the same chart twice, instead of 2 different charts. Here's the XML file that's generated through php: <chart caption="% Asthma Patients w/ Flu Vaccine" sformatNumberScale='1' syncAxisLimits='1' rotateValues='0' rotateLabels='1' slantLabels='0' showSum='1' numVDivLines='10' vDivLineIsDashed='1' vDivLineDashLen='2' vDivLineDashGap='2' xAxisName='Month' > <set label="May/2010" value="58"/> <set label="Jun/2010" value="16"/> <set label="Jul/2010" value="3"/> <set label="Aug/2010" value="6"/> <set label="Sep/2010" value="6"/> <set label="Oct/2010" value="3"/> <set label="Dec/2010" value="5"/> <set label="Jan/2011" value="5"/> <trendLines> <line startValue='180' color='009933' isTrendZone='1' displayvalue='' /> </trendLines> <styles> <definition> <style name='myShadow' type='Shadow' distance='5' angle='45' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='Canvas' styles='myShadow' /> </application> </styles> </chart> <chart caption="% Asthma Patients w/ 3 Care Components" sformatNumberScale='1' syncAxisLimits='1' rotateValues='0' rotateLabels='1' slantLabels='0' showSum='0' numVDivLines='10' vDivLineIsDashed='1' vDivLineDashLen='2' vDivLineDashGap='2' xAxisName='Month'> <set label="May/2010" value="55"/> <set label="Jun/2010" value="17"/> <set label="Jul/2010" value="4"/> <set label="Aug/2010" value="4"/> <set label="Sep/2010" value="4"/> <set label="Oct/2010" value="6"/> <set label="Dec/2010" value="7"/> <set label="Jan/2011" value="5"/> <trendLines> <line startValue='180' color='009933' isTrendZone='1' displayvalue='' /> </trendLines> <styles> <definition> <style name='myShadow2' type='Shadow' distance='5' angle='45' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='Canvas' styles='myShadow2' /> </application> </styles> </chart> The above code when seeing in a browser gives me the following error: XML Parsing Error: junk after document element Location: http://staging.ncahec.net/roles/ipip/dataChartXML.php Line Number 21, Column 21: </styles></chart><chart caption="% Asthma Patients w/ 3 Care Components" sformatNumberScale='1' and points to the second opening <chart> tag. Here's how I'm calling these: var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../../includes/Charts/Line.swf", "myChartId", "700", "400", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("dataChartXML.php"); myChart.configure("RenderingChartText", "Rendering chart. Please wait"); myChart.render("asthmaChart1"); var myChart2 = new FusionCharts( "../../includes/Charts/Line.swf", "myChartId2", "700", "400", "0", "1" ); myChart2.setXMLUrl("dataChartXML.php"); myChart2.configure("RenderingChartText", "Rendering chart. Please wait"); myChart2.render("asthmaChart2"); And I have the two divs that render the charts <div id="asthmaChart1"></div> <div id="asthmaChart2"></div> I was successful implementing this using two separate XML files. I'm wondering what's the way to do this using only one single XML files, otherwise I'll have to generate tons of XML files (one for each chart). Thanks.
  3. Challenging Implementation

    Got it working. I should have tried before asking the question. Thank you for your help. Greatly appreciated!!
  4. Challenging Implementation

    I'm reading the documentation you sent me to and it's starting to make sense now. I have one question that may seem obvious, but not to me. Code from the documentation function [b]changeMonth[/b](){ var chartReference = FusionCharts("myChartId"); chartReference.setXMLUrl("SeptemberData.xml"); } It refers to September.xml. In my case I'd have to use php to generate the xml files on the fly, so the file extension would be .php. Does the extension matter or as long as it's a well formatted xml it should work? If it must be a xml extension, any ideas on how to proceed? Thanks
  5. I have a great interest in Fusion Chart for a web application we're developing at work. In order to pitch the buying of a license to my boss, I need to make it work first and I'm having some issues with the implementation. I have it all working with a php charting library, but it doesn't look half as nice as Fusion Charts. So, here's a description of my implementation: I have a page that reads the data from a MySQL DB. The data is presented using jQuery tabs. The tabs are dynamically generated, since I don't know how many and which topics are to be displayed to the user. This app collects measures for patients in different clinical areas (Asthma, Diabetes and so on). This page with the tabs is called measureDataForm.php. Clicking on a tab displays the data that is under the tab category. For instance. If a practice is collecting measures on Asthma and Diabetes they would see a page with 3 tabs (ALL, ASTHMA and DIABETES). Upon clicking on a tab, a page called tabs.php is invoked with some parameters and the data (which is a form to collect measures) loads inside the tabbed area. Now, this page (tabs.php) has a form with several text boxes used to collect measures. Clicking on a text box changes the chart (which sits on the top of the measureDataForm.php page. Currently my chart is rendered as an image, so I wrote a function that passes some parameters and asynchronously calls a page named chart.php which renders the chart. Because it's an image it's easy to just change the inner HTML of my div in the page measureDataForm.php to load the right chart. I want to make all of this using Fusion Charts, but not sure how to proceed. I'm attaching a screenshot of the page to make it easy to understand. I know it's complicated and I might not have done a good job explaining it.