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  1. Drill Down Link not working

    Hi, We are trying to render drill down chart .below is our xml .When we see the preview in Edit+(CTRL+ .Links are working but when we open that html page in any browser links are not working. Calling code : var myChart = new FusionCharts("Column3D.swf", "myChartId2", "100%", "250", "0", "0"); myChart.setXMLUrl("StatusByCategory.xml"); myChart.render("leadsbycount2"); FusionCharts("myChartId2").configureLink({ swfUrl : "MSColumn3D.swf", renderAt : "ststusbycategory", overlayButton : { message : 'close', fontColor : '880000', bgColor : 'FFEEEE', borderColor : '660000' } }, 0); XML <chart caption="Team Wise Lead Count" xAxisName="" yAxisName="" bgColor="f4f4f4 b5b5b5"> <set label="Team1" value="250" link = 'JavaScript:myJSFunction("newchart-xml-250-leadcount")' /> <set label="Team2" value="75" link="newchart-xml-2005-quarterly" /> <set label="Team3" value="150" link="newchart-xml-2006-quarterly" /> <set label="Team4" value="80" link="newchart-xml-2007-quarterly" /> <linkeddata id="250-leadcount"> <chart caption="Team1 :: Lead By Status" subcaption="" xAxisName="" yAxisName="" bgColor="f4f4f4 b5b5b5"> <set label="NEW" value="50" /> <set label="ACCEPTED" value="75" /> <set label="SUBMITTED" value="75" /> <set label="CANCELLED" value="50" /> </chart> </linkeddata> <linkeddata id="2005-quarterly"> <chart caption="Team2 :: Lead By Status" subcaption="" xAxisName="" yAxisName="" bgColor="f4f4f4 b5b5b5"> <set label="NEW" value="20" /> <set label="ACCEPTED" value="25" /> <set label="SUBMITTED" value="25" /> <set label="CANCELLED" value="5" /> </chart> </linkeddata> <linkeddata id="2006-quarterly"> <chart caption="Team3 :: Lead By Status" subcaption="" xAxisName="" yAxisName="" bgColor="f4f4f4 b5b5b5"> <set label="NEW" value="25" /> <set label="ACCEPTED" value="50" /> <set label="SUBMITTED" value="55" /> <set label="CANCELLED" value="20" /> </chart> </linkeddata> <linkeddata id="2007-quarterly"> <chart caption="Team4 :: Lead By Status" subcaption="" xAxisName="" yAxisName="" bgColor="f4f4f4 b5b5b5"> <set label="NEW" value="15" /> <set label="ACCEPTED" value="25" /> <set label="SUBMITTED" value="30" /> <set label="CANCELLED" value="20" /> </chart> </linkeddata> </chart>
  2. LinearGauge Height

    Thanks for your Valuable Replay .Fusion makes our life colorful
  3. LinearGauge Height

    I want to Show The Gauge as small line but is adjusting to Chart height .Can u please tell witch properities i can show Guage as Thin line with out decrasing total width of chart
  4. Hi, When we are trying see drill down charts in docs those are showing below error You can show detailed data here or show another "zoomed-in" chart.
  5. I have configured all files .it is showing in stand alone example like asking below prompt and then it is rendering .but in web application server it is not asking any prompt and not rendering .I am using IE 8 so any kind of IE settings needed . chart = new FusionCharts(chartType,chart,widht, hight, "0", "1"); chart.setXMLData(chartData); chart.render(renderComp);
  6. hi, I have disabled adobe flash player charts are rendering in stand alone example but when we check in web appplication those are not rendering with out flash player.I am Using XT version even those are not rendering in IE 8 web application.Please replay ASAP as we need to give specification to client .
  7. Loading Chart Please Wait...issue

    function disPlayChart(chart,renderComp,chartType,chartData,widht,hight){ chart = new FusionCharts(chartType,chart,widht, hight, "0", "1"); chart.setXMLData(chartData); chart.render(renderComp); } this is my method to display charts .It is working fine when enable flash player plug in but if flash player is disabled showing like below . when i tried as stand alone aplication it is working fine .but in web application it is coming like below . The only thing i am doing Enable falsh and test Disable flash and test .
  8. the below code is showing loading chart please wait in IE with out flash plugin function disPlayChart(chart,renderComp,chartType,chartData,widht,hight){ chart = new FusionCharts(chartType,chart,widht, hight, "0", "1"); chart.setXMLData(chartData); chart.render(renderComp); } What to do it must run with out flash also .IE 8 and IE 9
  9. hi, We are usinf fusion charts XT .Charts are not displaying in IE 8 with out falsh and even i keep Chart.SetCurrentRenderer('javascript') what config we need to do .
  10. Drill-Down In Multi-Series Chart

    You can check it in fusion charts docs
  11. Hai , My Fusion charts are showing properly in IE 8 and IE 9 also but in some systems those are not showing and giving Message "LOading Chart Please Wait " If flash is not avalible fusion charts render using java script as my knowledge concern .But what could be the reasons for showing "Loading charts " message What interner expolrerer User must need to set his browser settings .If suddenly not appear in any system in which areas i should check to render a chart . Thankyou, Pavan Kumar
  12. Link Not Working For First Time

    Hai in my chart data i have given link to one page .when user login and click on chart it is not going to that page but once i page opened and close then click on chart it is going .Why it is link not working first time .Any cache problems .Please replay ............
  13. Hai Below is my tag <set label =''Lead' value='10' link ='../../../LeadManagement/Application/Calendar/Calendar.jsp?' /> My issue is when click on link it is showing loading in status bar not not going to that page but if i open and close and then click on chart it is opening link why it is showing loading for first time .why the link working for if not cache . Thank you . ommpavan
  14. Hai I have implemented 4 level drill down chart .now i am trying for 4 charts are four types .like first level is pie second level is bar ..and so on ....For main chart it is getting ok because we are giving swf file name.From second level i am using configureLink function my issue is if i give pie for second level all other levels getting pie .can u check my code have to implement any thing. <%@page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils"%> <% String chartSWF = request.getParameter("chartSWF"); String strURL = request.getParameter("strURL"); String strXML = request.getParameter("strXML"); String chartId = request.getParameter("chartId"); String chartWidthStr = request.getParameter("chartWidth"); String chartHeightStr = request.getParameter("chartHeight"); String debugModeStr = request.getParameter("debugMode"); String registerWithJSStr = request.getParameter("registerWithJS"); String childCharts = request.getParameter("childCharts"); String childChartOneSWF = "Column3D.swf"; String childChartTwoSWF = "Bar3D.swf"; String childChartThreeSWF = "Column3D.swf"; //Childern Chart SWF Files if (chartSWF.contains(",")) { String childChartsSWFFile[] = chartSWF.split(","); if (childChartsSWFFile.length > 0) { chartSWF = childChartsSWFFile[0]; } if (childChartsSWFFile.length > 1) { childChartOneSWF = childChartsSWFFile[1]; } if (childChartsSWFFile.length > 2) { childChartTwoSWF = childChartsSWFFile[2]; } if (childChartsSWFFile.length > 3) { childChartThreeSWF = childChartsSWFFile[3]; } } int chartWidth = 600; int chartHeight = 300; boolean debugMode = false; boolean registerWithJS = true; int debugModeInt = 0; int regWithJSInt = 0; if (null != chartWidthStr && !chartWidthStr.equals("")) { if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(chartWidthStr, "per")) { chartWidthStr = chartWidthStr.toLowerCase(); chartWidthStr = StringUtils.replace(chartWidthStr, "per", "%"); } } if (null != chartHeightStr && !chartHeightStr.equals("")) { if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(chartHeightStr, "per")) { chartHeightStr = chartHeightStr.toLowerCase(); chartHeightStr = StringUtils.replace(chartHeightStr, "per", "%"); } } if (null != debugModeStr && !debugModeStr.equals("")) { debugMode = new Boolean(debugModeStr).booleanValue(); debugModeInt = boolToNum(new Boolean(debugMode)); } if (null != registerWithJSStr && !registerWithJSStr.equals("")) { registerWithJS = new Boolean(registerWithJSStr).booleanValue(); regWithJSInt = boolToNum(new Boolean(registerWithJS)); } %> <div id='<%=chartId%>Div' align='center'>Chart</div> <div id='<%=chartId%>ExportData'></div> <script type='text/javascript'> var chart_<%=chartId%> = new FusionCharts("<%=chartSWF%>", "<%=chartId%>","<%=chartWidthStr%>" ,"<%=chartHeightStr%>", "<%=debugModeInt%>","<%=regWithJSInt%>"); <%if (strXML.equals("")) {%> chart_<%=chartId%>.setDataURL("<%=strURL%>"); <%} else {%> // Provide entire XML data using dataXML method chart_<%=chartId%>.setDataXML("<%=strXML%>"); <%}%> /* FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); Forcing to render by javascript*/ chart_<%=chartId%>.configure("ChartNoDataText", "No Current Records To Display");//when there is no reocords message chart_<%=chartId%>.render("<%=chartId%>Div"); chart_<%=chartId%>.configureLink ( { swfUrl :"<%=childChartThreeSWF%>" }, 0); chart_<%=chartId%>.configureLink ( { swfUrl : "<%=childChartTwoSWF%>" }, 0); chart_<%=chartId%>.configureLink ( { swfUrl : "<%=childChartOneSWF%>" }, 0); //Below Code for Exporting chart as .jpeg,.png and .pdf files var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcExporter1", "FCExporter.swf"); myExportComponent.render("<%=chartId%>ExportData"); </script> <%!/** * Converts a Boolean value to int value<br> * @param bool Boolean value which needs to be converted to int value * @return int value correspoding to the boolean : 1 for true and 0 for false */ public int boolToNum(Boolean bool) { int num = 0; if (bool.booleanValue()) { num = 1; } return num; }%>