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Everything posted by spauny

  1. I use FusionCharts 3.3.1-sr2.19840 . I am experiencing some visual problems with labels on IE7 and IE8. As you can see in the picture, some labels are horizontally cut. Do you know if this is a bug or if there is a solution to this?
  2. horizontally cut labels on IE7 and IE8

    I tested on native IE7 and the labels are perfect. Very strange... I haven't had such difference between native IE and compatibility IE. Anyway, thank you a lot Haritha! Good day!
  3. horizontally cut labels on IE7 and IE8

    Hi, I wasn't testing on native IE browsers. I will test and get back to you with the results. Thank you
  4. horizontally cut labels on IE7 and IE8

    Hi Haritha, Thank you for your help. I have attached the images for IE7 and IE8. I don't think the memory is a problem since I have 8 Giga. The charts are rendered with Javascript
  5. horizontally cut labels on IE7 and IE8

    Hi Haritha, Yes, in other browsers the labels are ok. Even in IE9 they are displayed just fine. I opened the given link with IE7 and IE8, it shows a little better but the "g" and "y" from Biotechnology are still cut. Thank you!
  6. display caption problem

    I am very disappointed with the latest version of fusioncharts. It has so many problems. There is possible to find the source code of fusioncharts.HC.js ? I have very strange problem. My caption is truncated only if the text is: Répartition des demandes par familles I only see: Répartition des demandes Why is that? I cannot find the problem. I used js beautify to beautify the minified js code and the problem is in the function getSmartText You can do some debugging using the first param with the specified value. I know I'm not very explicit but this is a very,very strange problem. If I use any other text it shows with problems... The code with problems is (sorry for the format): if (l) for (; w < i; w += 1) { if (c = b[w] = r[w], this.cache[c] ? H = this.cache[c].width : (H = la(c), this.cache[c] = { width: H }), g += H, a = b.join(""), g > f && (k || (k = a.substr(0, a.length - 1)), g > e)) return x.innerHTML = v.text = V(k) + u, v.tooltext = v.oriText, v.width = x.offsetWidth, v.height = x.offsetHeight, v } else for (; w < i; w += 1) if (c = b[w] = r[w], c === " " && !J && (c = " "), this.cache[c] ? H = this.cache[c].width : (H = la(c), this.cache[c] = { width: H }), g += H, a = b.join(""), g > f && (k || (k = a.substr(0, a.length - 1)), g > e)) if (c = d.substr(0, b.length).lastIndexOf(" "), g = d.substr(0, b.length).lastIndexOf("-"), c > t ? (b.splice(c, 1, "<br/>"), t = c, l = c + 1) : g > t ? (g === b.length - 1 ? b.splice(g, 1, "<br/>-") : b.splice(g, 1, "-<br/>"), t = g, l = g + 1) : (b.splice(b.length - 1, 1, "<br/>" + r[w]), l = w), x.innerHTML = a = b.join(""), ja += this.lineHeight, ja > q) return v.text = x.innerHTML = V(k) + u, v.tooltext = v.oriText, v.width = x.offsetWidth, v.height = x.offsetHeight, v; else k = null, c = h(d.substr(l), f, x, J), g = la(d.substr(l, c || 1)), b.length < l + c && (b = b.concat(d.substr(b.length, l + c - b.length).split("")), w = b.length - 1); v.text = x.innerHTML = a; v.width = x.offsetWidth; v.height = x.offsetHeight;
  7. escape label and tooltip

    I have FusionCharts 3.3.1-sr2.19840 . How do I escape tooltips for html code? If I have an input in tooltip or even a <script> with some alert in it, it will trigger my javascript code... this is a huge problem. There is a property to escape tooltips and labels?
  8. escape label and tooltip

    Here is a print screen with the tooltip unescaped:
  9. escape label and tooltip

    Yes, it is possible... for example: I have a json with school names sent from server and I want to show a graph with number of users from every school and let's say the name of one of the schools is " School1 <input type='text' /> ", in the interface/graph it will show that input. I want to restrict this thing. I use FusionCharts 3.3.1-sr2.19840
  10. I'm using FusionCharts 3.2.1. I'm rendering a Pie Chart by setting renderer : 'javascript'. Everything works well by I cannot find a way to resize pie radius. I tried setting 'pieRadius' attribute or 'size' attribute, but nothing works. For javascript rendering FusionCharts 3.2.1 loads Highcharts JS v2.2.4.
  11. Thank you for your response but that isn't a correct solution. The function resizeTo resizes the whole div and that wasn't my intention... so I looked in the whole FusionCharts library and it seems the pie size value is hardcoded (when rendering with javascript) to 80% . That's a shame because 80% it's too much, especially when you have at least 5 labels. You can see the chart very well but no labels. Well, that's it for today...
  12. I'm using FusionCharts 3.2.1. Is there a way to use image as labels? For example I have a pie chart and in front of each label string I want to show a different image/icon.