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About antonomase

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, I think the question is not new. I have a multiseries line 2D with series with high values (about Millions euros) and series with low values (about Kilo euros). If I hide the series with high values by clicking in the legend, is it possible to automatically adjust the Y-axis scale ? Regards
  2. Negative Values In Stacked Charts

    Hi, My problem is not on red value, but on green and blue one. My opinion is that the chart is more readable if colors are always in the same order. In this case, for 2007, blue and green values are both negatives : if we can inverse green and blue, I think it will be easier to compare the values. But perhaps in a future upgrade
  3. Negative Values In Stacked Charts

    <chart caption='Chart' animation='1' numberScaleValue='1000,1000,1000' numberScaleUnit='K,M,B' formatNumber='0' numberSuffix='€' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='/FusionChartsXT/ExportHandlers/PHP/FCExporter.php' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' exportFileName='export' exportFormats='JPG=Enregistrer au format JPG|PDF=Enregistrer au format PDF' showValues='0' showLabels='1' showLegend='1' > <categories> <category label='2007' /> <category label='2008' /> <category label='2009' /> <category label='2010' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Green' color='92BE0F, 92BE0F' ratio='100, 100'> <set value='-7327000' /> <set value='-8326000' /> <set value='-4805000' /> <set value='-1080000' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Blue' color='9798C3, 9798C3' ratio='100, 100'> <set value='-6206000' /> <set value='1874000' /> <set value='4037000' /> <set value='4874000' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Red' color='D85151, D85151' ratio='100, 100'> <set value='1120000' /> <set value='10202000' /> <set value='8841000' /> <set value='5953000' /> </dataset> </chart>
  4. Hi, I have a serie of three stacked values : green, blue and red. When some values are negative, the order is changed. In 2007, blue value is under the green one and not above Is it possible to have the same order green, blue and red even for the 2007 stack ? Or to have a switch to indicate how the negative values must be stacked ? Best regards
  5. Sign + Not Displayed

    Hi, I have multiset values with datasets Men -25y, Men 25-49 y, Men +50y. When displayed into MSLine.swf, the legend and the tool tip text is correct. But when displayed into StackedColumn2D.swf, the '+' becomes invisible. How to correct this bug ? Many thanks.
  6. Problem With Thousand Separators

  7. Changing Y Scale Automatically From Legend

    Thanks for the answer. Perhaps in a future release...
  8. Hi, I'm interested with the new features of FusionCharts XT wich allows to show or hide series by cliking on the items in the legend in multiseries charts I have series with large differences of range : some in the range [1000-5000], some in the range [100-500], some in the range [10-50]. When they are all displayed the Yaxis scale is 0 to 5000 and the lowest lines are near the X-axis. When the user hide the series [1000-5000], is it possible to change automatically the scale of the Y-axis to adapt to the remainings series range and so having a better view ? Many thanks
  9. Problem With Thousand Separators

    Hi, I'm moving an Web application from FusionCharts v 3.1 to FusionCharts XT (trial version) and I have a problem with the decimal separator When using chart palette='3' showValues='0' decimals='0' formatNumberScale='0' formatNumber='1' thousandSeparator='.' decimalSeparator=',' in the version 3.1, it works. But with the XT version, thousand separators is still a coma All values are integer like set value='108699' See the attachment (left with XT, right with 3.1). The only change between them is javascript which loads FusionChartsXT/Charts/MSLine.swf instead of FusionCharts/Charts/MSLine.swf Is it a limitation in the Trial version or a real bug ? Best regards