In our application we are using Fusion Chart version 3.2 and chart is rendered through javascript.
The chart is rendered into the HTML which is fetched from server using AJAX call (Using jquery TAB widget).
Every time user request new data HTML is fetched from server and chart is rendered.
But every time a chart is rendered and disposed it cause memory leaks.
I have already tried dispose() method as well as fixes suggested on other forums.
dispose() method only reclaim memory in kbs but actually memory leak is happening around 8-10 mb (depending upon data points).
Here is method that we are using to render chart:
function renderDailyViewSummaryChart(chartData){
if(dailyViewSummaryChart != null){
if(dailyViewSummaryChart == undefined){
dailyViewSummaryChart = new FusionCharts("./fusioncharts/StackedBar2D.swf", "ChartId4DailyViewSummaryChart", "560", "212", "0", "0");