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About er.harvindersingh

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Y Axis Label Overlapping Issue.

    Thanks Sumedh, It worked by increasing height but then for normal cases view is not very pleasant. Can you please help us in handling scenario where data may or may not overlap? Thanks, Harvinder
  2. Y Axis Label Overlapping Issue.

    Attached is JSON Data file. JSONData.txt
  3. Y Axis Label Overlapping Issue.

    Hi, I am using fusion char version 3.2.2 (free/trail version) to resolve issue of Y axis labels getting overlapped. We are not setting yaxismin and max value attributes explicitly. Chart type is StackedColumn3DLineDY For details please refer attached screen shot. Thanks, Harvinder Singh
  4. Fusion Chart Memory Leak.

    Hi, I am using Fusion Charts version 3.2.2. Following is the configuration for which leak is happening: Browser: IE9 32 bit Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit. On the same machine Chrome 18.0 and Firefox 12.0 produces very less memory leaks. Attached is the html for reproducing the memory leak. Just click the Render button again and again. Note:- In the sample file dispose() method is just placeholder but in my actual javascript code dispose() method works but only disposes data which is just in KBs. Please let me know if you need more info. memoryLeak.html
  5. Fusion Chart Memory Leak.

    Hello, In our application we are using Fusion Chart version 3.2 and chart is rendered through javascript. The chart is rendered into the HTML which is fetched from server using AJAX call (Using jquery TAB widget). Every time user request new data HTML is fetched from server and chart is rendered. But every time a chart is rendered and disposed it cause memory leaks. I have already tried dispose() method as well as fixes suggested on other forums. dispose() method only reclaim memory in kbs but actually memory leak is happening around 8-10 mb (depending upon data points). Here is method that we are using to render chart: function renderDailyViewSummaryChart(chartData){ if(dailyViewSummaryChart != null){ dailyViewSummaryChart.dispose(); dailyViewSummaryChart=undefined; } if(dailyViewSummaryChart == undefined){ dailyViewSummaryChart = new FusionCharts("./fusioncharts/StackedBar2D.swf", "ChartId4DailyViewSummaryChart", "560", "212", "0", "0"); } dailyViewSummaryChart.setJSONData(chartData); dailyViewSummaryChart.render("dailyViewSummaryChart"); }