Guna Sekhar

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Everything posted by Guna Sekhar

  1. Hi, very are using licence version fusion libraries.some cases my web page is going to get crash its happens in FF and IE-10. CHROME it will works specially Column2D and Java Script version charts . if i get quick help its very use full for me. error i have attached as follows. Thanks Guna
  2. Browser is getting crash while loading chat

    Haritha, Below is the input for your questions 1. Number of charts present in a page-6 charts(Bar and Column) 2. Number of data plots for each chart-some charts are less then 10 plots and some are more then 18 plots 3. Types of charts being used (Single series chart, Multi-series chart, Real-time chart, Map etc)-Single series 4. Machine configurations-i7,8GB RAM 5. How data is obtained? Ajax calls take time since the request first goes to server.-Ajax call with JSON response 6. Concurrent scripts or processes running-No other scripts are running Please find attached screen shot with this reply.. Let us know if needed further details.waiting for your quick reply. Thanks Guna
  3. Hi, we are using licence fusion version of : @version fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr1.5347 In IE 10 while downloading i am getting as Black and white image. needed quick help please.attached as sample downloaded image. Thanks Guna
  4. issue in Ie10- Download Black and white image

    waiting for reply.!!!! Thanks
  5. issue in Ie10- Download Black and white image

    Hi, Below is the code for FCExporter.jsp .we are expecting quick reply Please . Thanks Guna <%/** * * FusionCharts Exporter is a jsp that handles * FusionCharts (since v3.1) Server Side Export feature. * This in conjuncture with other resource jsps and classes would * process FusionCharts Export Data POSTED to it from FusionCharts * and convert the data to image or PDF and subsequently save to the * server or response back as http response to client side as download. * * This jsp might be called as the FusionCharts Exporter - main module * * @author InfoSoft Global (P) Ltd. * @description FusionCharts Exporter (Server-Side - JSP) * @version 1.0 [ 18 February 2009 ] * */ /** * ChangeLog / Version History: * ---------------------------- * * 1.0 [ 18 February 2009 ] * - Integrated with new Export feature of FusionCharts 3.1 * - can save to server side directory * - can provide download or open in browser window/frame other than _self * - can report back to chart * - can save as PDF/JPG/PNG/GIF * */ /** * Copyright © 2009 Infosoft Global Private Limited * */ /** * GENERAL NOTES * ------------- * * Chart would POST export data (which consists of encoded image data stream, * width, height, background color and various other export parameters like * exportFormat, exportFileName, exportAction, exportTargetWindow) to this script. * * The script would process this data using appropriate resource files build * export binary (PDF/image) * * It either saves the binary as file to a server side directory or push it as * Download or open in a new browser window/frame. * * * ISSUES * ------ * Q> What if someone wishes to open in the same page where the chart existed as postback * replacing the old page? * * A> Not directly supported using any chart attribute or parameter but can do by * removing/commenting the line containing request.setHeader("content-disposition ...' * */ /** * @requires FCExporter_{format}.jsp as export resouce for the specific format * e.g. FCExporter_PDF.jsp (containing PDF Releated Export resource functionality) * FCExporter_IMG.jsp (containing JPEG/PNG/GIF Releated Export resource functionality) * * Details * ------- * Based on the format, the request would be forwarded to appropriate resource jsp * * FusionChartsExportHelper contains the following, which will be used by these resources. * @see com.fusioncharts.exporter.FusionChartsExportHelper * * a) a HashMap - MIMETYPES contains key as a format name specified in the * handlerAssociationsMap. The associated value * would be the mimetype for the specified format. * * e.g. "jpg=image/jpeg,jpeg=image/jpeg,png=image/png,gif=image/gif" * * * a HashMap - EXTENSIONS that contains key value pair. Each key would again be the * format name and the extension would be the file extension. * * e.g. "jpg=jpg,jpeg=jpg,png=png,gif=gif" * * * c) a HashMap -handlerAssociationsMap Contains key as format name and value as associated Handler suffix. * * e.g. "JPG=IMG,PDF=PDF, GIF=IMG" * * d) FusionChartsExportHelper also contains constants whose values can be modified from file * which should be present in the classpath if you want to modify the default values. * */ %> <%@page import="java.util.HashMap" %> <%@page import="java.util.Iterator" %> <%@page import="" %> <%@page import="java.util.StringTokenizer" %> <%@page import="com.fusioncharts.exporter.FusionChartsExportHelper" %> <%@page import="com.fusioncharts.exporter.beans.ExportBean" %> <%@page import="com.fusioncharts.exporter.ErrorHandler" %> <% /* FCExporter.jsp has logic to validate the parameters, putting default values for missing parameters and then forwarding the request to appropriate jsp based on the requested export format. */ StringBuffer err_warn_Codes = new StringBuffer(); String WEB_ROOT_PATH = application.getRealPath("/"); String pathSeparator = File.separator; // will return either "\" or "/", depends on OS String validation_def_filepath = WEB_ROOT_PATH+pathSeparator+FusionChartsExportHelper.RESOURCEPATH+"validation_def.jsp"; String relativePathToValidationDef = FusionChartsExportHelper.RESOURCEPATH+"validation_def.jsp"; /* ToDo - Not complete */ File f = new File(validation_def_filepath); if(f.exists()) { // include this file %> <jsp:include page="<%=relativePathToValidationDef%>"/> <%} ExportBean localExportBean=FusionChartsExportHelper.parseExportRequestStream(request); String exportFormat = (String)localExportBean.getExportParameterValue("exportformat"); String exporterFilePath = FusionChartsExportHelper.getExporterFilePath(exportFormat); String exportTargetWindow = (String)localExportBean.getExportParameterValue("exporttargetwindow"); if (localExportBean.getMetadata().getWidth() == -1 || localExportBean.getMetadata().getHeight() == -1 || localExportBean.getMetadata().getWidth() == 0 || localExportBean.getMetadata().getHeight() == 0 ) { //If Width/Height parameter is not sent, the ChartMetadata will have width/height as -1 //Raise Error E101 - Width/Height not found err_warn_Codes.append("E101,"); } if (localExportBean.getMetadata().getBgColor() == null) { //Background color not available err_warn_Codes.append("W513,"); } if (localExportBean.getStream() == null ) { //If image data not available //Raise Error E100 err_warn_Codes.append("E100,"); } String exportAction = (String)localExportBean.getExportParameterValue("exportaction"); boolean isHTML = false; if(exportAction.equals("download")) isHTML=true; if(!exportAction.equals("download")) { String fileNameWithoutExt = (String)localExportBean.getExportParameterValue("exportfilename"); String extension = FusionChartsExportHelper.getExtensionFor(exportFormat.toLowerCase());; String fileName = fileNameWithoutExt+"."+ extension; err_warn_Codes.append(ErrorHandler.checkServerSaveStatus(WEB_ROOT_PATH,fileName)); } if(err_warn_Codes.indexOf("E") != -1) { String meta_values= localExportBean.getMetadataAsQueryString(null,true,isHTML); %> <jsp:forward page="FCExporterError.jsp" > <jsp:param name="errorMessage" value="<%=err_warn_Codes.toString()%>" /> <jsp:param name="otherMessages" value="<%=meta_values%>" /> <jsp:param name="exportTargetWindow" value="<%=exportTargetWindow%>" /> <jsp:param name="isHTML" value="<%=isHTML%>" /> </jsp:forward> <% return; } //Now include the jsp for this file format //Check if this file exists before including %> <jsp:useBean id="exportBean" scope="request" class="com.fusioncharts.exporter.beans.ExportBean"> <jsp:setProperty name="exportBean" property="metadata" value="<%=localExportBean.getMetadata()%>"/> <jsp:setProperty name="exportBean" property="stream" value="<%=localExportBean.getStream()%>"/> <jsp:setProperty name="exportBean" property="exportParameters" value="<%=localExportBean.getExportParameters()%>"/> </jsp:useBean> <% File exporter = new File(WEB_ROOT_PATH+pathSeparator+exporterFilePath); if(exporter.exists()){%> <jsp:forward page="<%=exporterFilePath%>" /> <% }else {/* exception*/}%>
  6. issue in Ie10- Download Black and white image

    HI, My code as attached. quick reply is helpful to us.and we are using FCExporter.jsp as handler. Awaiting your response. Thanks export issue.html
  7. Chart Export

    Hi, How can export the chart as pdf,img,csv, below of chart i have option called pdf,img, per selection i need to capture the rendered chart. attachment as follows. Thanks Guna
  8. issue in Ie10- Download Black and white image

    even i was tried with version : @version fusioncharts/3.3.1-sr3.21100 same issue again and we are rendering js version and download handler FCExporter.jsp . Thanks Guna
  9. Chart Export

    Hi, while exporting i am getting black and white image in IE 10. we are using licence version of fusion fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr1.5347. Help me to solve this issue. Thanks Guna
  10. Hi Fusion team, we are using license version of fusion files, How can i customized the "fusioncharts v3 xml generator utility" attachment as follows urgent reply is happy for us. Thanks Guna
  11. Export Linked Chart

    Hi Fusion exports, How can i export drill level chart. snap as follows Thanks Guna
  12. Chart Rendering-Issues

    We are using license version of Fusion SWF files. Even we are facing below issue 1. if add Render as FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); Chart is not rendering in chrome. 2. Down side of chart getting label “FusionCharts”,so can i remove this lebel. 3. if i add 'FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript');' drill down is working fine in Firefox can make sure its works fine in all browsers. How can make sure that chart(even drill downs also) will render with all browsers . quick help is happy for us. My code as shows below. quick reply is help full for us. ----------------- <!DOCTYPE html > <html> <head> <title> </title> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/FusionCharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="gen-chart-render"> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); var myChart = new FusionCharts( "Charts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "500", "300", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl( "files/xml/linkchart.xml" ); myChart.render( "chartContainer" ); // --> </script> </div> </body> </html>
  13. Chart Rendering-Issues

    Thanks Bindhu, I will check and back to u. Thanks Guna
  14. Exports, I am able to generate Data.xml using XML Utility tool for simple chart.How can i generate XML data(Data.xml) from Excel file for linked chart(Drill downs) . Thanks Guna