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About pritishpm

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  1. Greetings!!! I have created a drill down chart by using Javascript: option in link attribute. It Works fine on web but if I am trying to check the same on Android Version 3.1 HoneyComb tablet browser the event is not tracked properly. Please Help Thanks & Regards Pritish
  2. Adding Parameters with image saving request

    Hi any reply its urgent, Thanks
  3. Hi, Image Saving is working fine & we get some parameters at server like height, width , data & bgcolor. Is it possible to send the some other user defined parameters to the same image saving request handler. Please help...
  4. Thanks Its working for me
  5. Hi Rahul, We r using FusionCharts v3.0.6 and it is working. But I noticed that the chart has to generated by using FusionChart function in FusionCharts.js Else it won't work. I will not be using FusionCharts.js to create Chart. Please Help.
  6. Hi , Please see that i have called a java script function on button click. function saveImage(){ var str = getChartFromId('myFirst'); str.saveAsImage(); } i had also included FusionCharts.js in my code but then also iam getting str.saveAsImage is not a function Error please help...