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Everything posted by pritishpm

  1. Greetings!!! I have created a drill down chart by using Javascript: option in link attribute. It Works fine on web but if I am trying to check the same on Android Version 3.1 HoneyComb tablet browser the event is not tracked properly. Please Help Thanks & Regards Pritish
  2. Hi , Please see that i have called a java script function on button click. function saveImage(){ var str = getChartFromId('myFirst'); str.saveAsImage(); } i had also included FusionCharts.js in my code but then also iam getting str.saveAsImage is not a function Error please help...
  3. Hi, Image Saving is working fine & we get some parameters at server like height, width , data & bgcolor. Is it possible to send the some other user defined parameters to the same image saving request handler. Please help...
  4. Adding Parameters with image saving request

    Hi any reply its urgent, Thanks
  5. Thanks Its working for me
  6. Hi Rahul, We r using FusionCharts v3.0.6 and it is working. But I noticed that the chart has to generated by using FusionChart function in FusionCharts.js Else it won't work. I will not be using FusionCharts.js to create Chart. Please Help.