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Everything posted by xuen

  1. Hi, I have issue on customize the empty data message in Javascript Chart at code behind. My code as below: string chart = "<chart></chart>"; FusionCharts.SetRenderer("javascript"); FusionCharts.SetConfiguration("ChartNoDataText", "Please select a record above"); div_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/MSBar2D.swf", "", chart, "ms_bar_testing", "450", "700", false, false); After the chart is rendered, the chart still showing the default value which is "No data to display." instead of "Please select a record above". Please help.
  2. Customize Empty Data Message

    Hi, If no sample, how do you know create a function and call in Page_load and Search Button is working?
  3. Line Chart Plotting Issue

    Thanks for your reply.
  4. Customize Empty Data Message

    Hi, Any update?
  5. Customize Empty Data Message

    Hi, The function you mean is javascript function or code behind function? Can you provide the sample? Thanks.
  6. Line Chart Plotting Issue

    Hi, Just found out your shared XML not just edit the canvaspadding but also added a empty category (<category label=' ' />) to have 2 plot datas. It is quite troublesome to add a empty category because in a page, I have more than 10 line charts like this and if each from them I also need to have a same checking which is if the category return = 1, then to add a emprty category to make the plot show in the middle. Do you have other work around or will this be fix in next release since flash chart can be show in the middle without any extra code. The version I'm using is fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr1.5347. Thanks.
  7. Hi, Is it possible to export few chart with just 1 button in Javascript Chart? For my case, I have 8 fusion charts in a page, I would like to have a 1 button click to export all chart to Excel / PDF. I'm using FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) SR3. Will be good if can provide sample code to export few chart in a page to Excel/PDF. Please help. Thanks in advanced.
  8. Customize Empty Data Message

    Hi, Anyone can help? Thanks in advanced.
  9. Line Chart Plotting Issue

    Hi, The canvaspadding seem like not working, regardless what value i'm putting in, the plot is still starting from the most left side. I found that if the data is more than 1 value, it will be in the middle but not with 1 data value. Please help.
  10. Line Chart Plotting Issue

    Hi, Please find attachment for the XML. The XML use for both flash and javascript chart. For JavascriptChart, the code is: chart = the XML FusionCharts.SetRenderer("javascript"); lit_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", "", chart, "line_testing", "470","350" , false, true); For FlashChart, the code is: chart = the XML lit_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", "", chart, "line_testing", "470","350" , false, true); Thanks. LineChartPlottingIssue.txt
  11. Customize Empty Data Message

    Hi, Thanks for the solution but the customize message can only load for first time. Scenario: 1. Frist load no data return with the filtering value I enter. The customize message can be show. 2. Click on Search button again with the filtering value, Default message is show instead of the customize message. Info: My <asp:literal> will control by the ajax loader. <telerik:ajaxsetting ajaxcontrolid="btnSearch"> <updatedcontrols> <telerik:ajaxupdatedcontrol controlid="div_testing" /> </updatedcontrols> </telerik:ajaxsetting> <fieldset id="fsTesting" > <legend >Testing</legend> <center> <asp:literal id="div_testing" runat="server"></asp:literal> <script type="text/javascript"> var testChart = FusionCharts("col_testing"); testChart.configure("ChartNoDataText", "Please select a record above. col_aoc_int"); </script> </center> </fieldset> Please help. Thanks in advanced.
  12. Customize Empty Data Message

    Anyone can help?
  13. To have scrollbar, you have to use Scroll chart. There is not property to set to enable the scroll bar for single series chart.
  14. Show Value Problem

    Hi, I have set the chart property showValues='1'. But i have question which the value is too close and overlap. Please see the image. And I have attach also XML. ValueOverlap.txt
  15. Show Value Problem

    Hi, Except for this work-around, is there any other work-around that i still can see the value that is not in rotated manner? Can it be automatic adjust the position of the value to not overlapping? Thanks.
  16. Hi, I have 2 layout question about Column Chart in Javascript Chart. 1. when number of columns increase, the value show in the column will not center compare to Flash Chart 2. the column rendered is not align to the bottom border. Some is 1 pixel down and some is 1 pixel up. 3. the font in javascript is very blur, what cause it like this? All this chart are run using IE. Please see attached image.
  17. Column Chart Issue In Javascript

    Hi, May I know when is the next release and will this improvement included in the next release? Thanks.
  18. Hi, I have a question on how to remove the 1 pixel gap in between bar in a multiseries bar chart. Please see attached image on the explanation.
  19. Bar Chart Issue In Javascript

    Hi, Anyone have solutions on this? Thanks.
  20. Hi, I have a multi series column and bar chart. I want to have the separator in between each set of record. Please see the attached image. Left hand side is the current layout from example website. Right hand side is the chart layout that i would like to render. Is it possible to add the separator show in right hand side's chart (circle in red). Thanks in advanced.
  21. Hi, Thanks. So this can be a work-around to adjust the x-axis labels.
  22. Bar Chart Issue In Javascript

    Hi, The image is capture from the fusion chart sample site. http://www.fusioncharts.com/demos/gallery/#column-and-bar Attached XML is directly copy from the Fusion Chart sample site. Please note, this issue is encounter in IE8. Sample XML From Fusion Chart.txt
  23. Column Chart Issue In Javascript

    Hi, Here is the XML code. XML.txt
  24. Hi, Is it mean i adjust the space between plot will not add the space between the x-axis label? So it will become label not match to the plot? because the space between plot is increase but the label space is not increase?
  25. Hi, I have read from another topic that it is possible to increase the space between x-axis labels by using the setting plotSpacePercent. Default value is 20%. You may set it to 0 if you do not want any gap or set it more than 20 to increase the space. http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/1214-width-of-each-bar-in-a-chart/