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Everything posted by xuen

  1. Hi, I encounter an issue which Line Chart render differently in JavaScript chart and Flash chart. Please see the attached image. Is there a solution to make the LineChart render in Javascript look the same like the flash chart? The main problem is when i have little data, the plot is still starting from the most left. I want it to be render like the flash chart. Have check with other chart like Column2D, StackedColumn2D, it will show the plot in the middle for javascript and flash chart. Please help. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, Encounter an issue which if the <category label='<20' /> have the symbol of "<", that chart will return Invalid Data message. But if i change the symbol to ">", the chart is successfully loaded. Please help. Please see the text file in the attachment. You may just change the symbol "<" to ">" for testing. InvalidData.txt
  3. Hi, This is working. Do you have list of symbols that need to use encoded form in the chart? I have some doubt why "<" have issue but ">" do not have any issue. It is good if you can provide list of symbols that need to use encoded form so that my chart will not fail to load suddenly. Thanks.
  4. Wrap Long Data Value

    Hi, I would like to wrap long date value. For example, value of "234, 45%", I would like to show it as 234, 45% I have use {br} as work-around, e.g. displayValue='510 , {br}0.69%' but the value is not display on top of the column. See attachment for the explaination. WrapDataValue.txt
  5. Wrap Long Data Value

    Hi, Anyone can help? Thanks...
  6. Hi, I encounter an issue which i try to render a empty chart value using PieChart. My code: chart = "<chart></chart>"; FusionCharts.SetRenderer("javascript"); lit_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/Pie2D.swf", "", chart, "pie_testing", "330", "230", false, false); And I get an error message "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'pieYScale' is null or not an object". (see attached image) I have try to change the chart to Bar2D and does not give me such error. Please help. Thanks in advanced.
  7. Hi, Is it possible to show YAxis value at right hand side? or any work-around is available to do so? Please see the image and xml in the attachment. YAxisValueOnRight.txt
  8. Show Yaxis Value At Right

    Hi, Thanks for the work-around. It fit what i want.
  9. Hi, I encounter an issue which is when the PYaxisName is too long, the alignment is not nice (not center). Please see the image below and the XML text file. Please help. Thanks. PYAxis Issue.txt
  10. Pyaxis Name Length Issue

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. It is helpful.
  11. Pyaxis Name Length Issue

    Hi, one more question. Can the PYAxisName to be wrap text? Please see the attached image.
  12. Legend Icon Size

    Hi, I have a line chart with 5 circle point and 1 triangle point. But the triangle is too small compare to other cirlcle in the legend. Please see attached image. How can I make the size of the triangle in the legend same size with the circle?
  13. Pyaxis Name Length Issue

    Hi, So the only work around are: 1. Align the legend position to right 2. Increase the value of lengendNumColumns attribute.
  14. Legend Icon Size

    Hi, Noted. Your normal is not normal for me. It is so obvious that the triangle is smaller than the circle one. It's ok. Thanks for reply.
  15. Pyaxis Name Length Issue

    Hi, No different. Please help.
  16. Legend Icon Size

    Hi, Base on the image I attached, i have increase the legend icon size, i have set legendIconscale = '2'. But as you see, the circle is look bigger compare to the triangle. it look like not in same size. Please help.
  17. Pyaxis Name Length Issue

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. You mention "Chart is calculating the alignment for PYAxisName to be appeared at the center, from the bottom of the legend to the uppermost portion of the chart." But if I shorten the PAxisName = "Other Than Channel" and SAxisName = "Online", both can be in the center. The PAxisName doesn't look like is in the center from the bottom of the legend to the uppermost porttion of the chart. Is there any scenario only will happen to render the PAxisName to be appeared at the center, from the bottom of the legend to the uppermost portion of the chart.? Please see the attached image. Thanks.
  18. Pyaxis Name Length Issue

    Hi, Any update on the issue?
  19. Hi, Is there a way to fill the anchorbgcolor without specifically set the color code? By default to have color for the anchor, we set like anchorBgColor='666666' . How to make the anchor fill with color by the default color when render the chart. Please see attached image. Left hand side image, with setting: <dataset seriesname='Sea' anchorBorderColor='CCCCCC' anchorBgColor='002593' anchorRadius='4' color='0033CC' > Right hand side without setting: <dataset seriesname='Sea' anchorBorderColor='CCCCCC' anchorRadius='4' > I do not want to set the anchorBgColor='002593' because the dataset is dynamic datas. I would not know how many dataset it have. Please help. Thanks in advanced.
  20. Anchor Bg Auto Fill Will Colour

    Hi, anyone can help? Thanks.
  21. Hi, I have an issue to show the Stacked Bar Chart correctly. Please see the attached image, Red marker is the extra 'thing' that appear. XML have been attached also. Note: I would like the height of the chart to be dynamic, so i have calculate the height by the number of row return in the datatable. DataTable dt = data table return from back end int rowCount = dt.Rows.Count; int height = (rowCount * 20) + 50; FusionCharts.SetRenderer("javascript"); div_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/StackedBar2D.swf", "", chart, "bar_testing", "450", height.ToString(), false, false); The "50" is for the height of the legend. Please help. Thanks in advance. StackedBar - Extra Image.txt
  22. Hi, The sample code is just simple as the first post. I can't provide you the whole aspx page, i can only provide you the code which the chart have this issue. Front end: <fieldset id="fsTesting" runat="server"> <legend>Testing Stacked Bar Chart</legend> <center> <asp:literal id="div_testing" runat="server"></asp:literal> </center> </fieldset> Backend: DataTable dt = DataTable that return from database string chart = XML that have been attached in first post rowCount = dt.Rows.Count; height = (rowCount * 20) + 50; FusionCharts.SetRenderer("javascript"); div_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/StackedBar2D.swf", "", chart, "bar_testing", "450", height.ToString(), false, false); That's all my code to render the chart. - I get the row count to dynamically set the height of the chart. - rowCount * 20 to have each bar same height - the 50 is for the legend height Issue facing: If row count less than 3 rows, it will have the addtional "bar" highlighted in the first post's attached image. If the rowcount is greater than 3, the UI look fine. Thanks.
  23. Hi, I have include in the first post. StackedBar - Extra Image.txt Please check the attachment from first post. Extra info: For FIreFox v13.0, the UI is more worst, the legend can't view in full (please see the attachment). Thanks.
  24. Hi, Have you use the code to dynamic calculate the height? Your attached image is not same with mine. Yours 2 bar is far from each other which i suspect you have put a different height value. If you use the same logic, the 2 bars should be more close to each other: int rowCount = dt.Rows.Count; int height = (rowCount * 20) + 50; FusionCharts.SetRenderer("javascript"); div_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/StackedBar2D.swf", "", chart, "bar_testing", "450", height.ToString(), false, false); Note: This only happen to data then render less than 3 bars. More than 3 bars, it look perfect. Please help. Thanks.