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Everything posted by xuen

  1. Shadow On Top

    Hi, I have an issue which the shadow of the plot data is show on the top for the bar. But for StackBar2D and MSBar2D, it is fine to render the shadow at the bottom. Please find the attached image. Left hand side is MSBar2D chart, with the XML (ShadowAtBottom), the shadow is show at the bottom. Right hand side is the Bar2D chart, with the XML (ShadowOnTop), the shadow is show on top of the plot data. I would like to show all the shadow at the bottom. Please help. Thanks in advance. ShadowAtBottom.txt ShadowOnTop.txt
  2. Shadow On Top

    Hi, Thanks.
  3. Shadow On Top

    Hi, Can anyone help on this issues? Thanks in advanced.
  4. Hi, My problem is to render the work-around that use shadow style to show only the left border. Not all chart I can't render. Hope don't confuse.
  5. Hi, Have try with the code you show, FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('flash'); But i think FireFox v13.0 is too new and this setting does not take any effect.
  6. Hi, How can i force it to use Flash charts instead when browse using different browser? Currently I did not set anything. Same code with different browser is render differently.
  7. Hi, One more question, FireFox v13.0 is the newest version and cannot show the shadow style. It is due to JavaScriptChart and HTML5 right? Can we force it to use FlashChart?
  8. Shadow On Top

    Hi, Do there have others way to show the shadow? Why can't it be like StackBar2D and MSBar2D, automatically show the shadow at the bottom. Reason why I need other work-around or make it automatic show at the bottom is because I do not want to use style to render the shadow due to JavaScript charts does not support any other style formatting. I know the style "<style type='Shadow' name='Shadow_2' angle='90' color='999999' alpha='100' blurX='0' blurY='3' strength='1' distance='3'/>" can only work with IE8 and FireFox v12.0 and below. If i have FireFox v13.0, the shadow is not show anymore. I hope the chart with setting "showShadow='1'" already can show the shadow at the bottom like StackBar2D and MSBar2D. Please help. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi, Since adding separator is not posible as of now. Can we make the gap between the x-axis labels bigger?
  10. Hi, Thanks. So do we have another work-around to render only the left border for barchart instead of using shadow? Please help. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi, Need more information. But why in IE, the JavaScript chart is able to render the shadow? I have try run the application in IE8, FireFox v12.0 and FireFox v13.0. IE8 and FireFox v12.0 able to show the shadow but FireFox v13.0 unable to show the shadow. Please help. Thanks.
  12. Hi, So is it mean Flash Chart in FireFox cannot render the shadow? So I can't see the left border which using shadow as work around in FireFox?
  13. Line Chart X-Axis Label

    Hi I have few question about the line chart. 1. I have 2 line chart with below setting, refer to image (LineChart.jpg). Want to know how is the x-axis label display work? Why is top image show thedate label every 2 days but the bottom image show date label everyday? Top image have setting: <chart caption='' yaxisminvalue='0' yaxismaxvalue='100' numberSuffix='%' showValues='0' legendPosition='RIGHT' canvaspadding='8' bgcolor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='000000' plotGradientColor='' outCnvbaseFontColor='000000' showAlternateHGridColor='0' showShadow='1'> Bottom image have setting: <chart caption='' labelDisplay='rotate' slantlabels='1' yaxisminvalue='0' yaxismaxvalue='100' numberSuffix='%' showValues='0' legendPosition='RIGHT' canvaspadding='8' bgcolor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='000000' plotGradientColor='' outCnvbaseFontColor='000000' showAlternateHGridColor='0' showShadow='1'> 2. The labelStep property is not working properly. Refer to image (LineChartLabelStep.jpg). Top image able to show the date label every 7 days which is set in the chart element (date range is 2 months). Bottom image is showing date label every 9 days which is an unexpected result. (date range is 3 months). Both line chart have the same setting (labelStep='7' ): <chart allowPinMode='0' caption='CAPTION' labelStep='7' numberSuffix='%' showValues='0' slantLabels='1' xtLabelManagement='0' legendPosition='RIGHT' canvaspadding='8' bgcolor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='000000' plotGradientColor='' outCnvbaseFontColor='000000' showAlternateHGridColor='0' showShadow='1'> 3. Is it possible to customize the line chart base on the date range? Refer to image (Day Month.jpg) For example: If the date range is less than 2 months, the chart show day at x-axis label If the date range is more than 2 moths, the chart show month at x-axis label. Note: I would like to remain the day point plot at the chart, just the x-axis label change to monthly.
  14. Hi, will it cause by the FireFox version? I'm using 13.0 and I found there are some different for the chart you render compare to mine. From your attached image, i saw the "FusionChart Trials" word is at the top but for my version, it is show at the bottom with the word '"FusionCharts" (see attachment). Please help. Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi, Thanks for help. It is look great in IE but not in FireFox. please see the attached image. left hand side is render by IE and right hand side is render by FireFox. The left border which use shadow as work around is not working for FireFox. Anything i miss out? Thanks in advanced.
  16. Hi, the shadow line is too thick, is it possible to make it about 1pixel?
  17. Hi, Would like to ask is it possible to generate a combi chart which the bar is horizontal one? Combi1.jpg is generate when i use MSCombiDY2D.swf Combi2.jpg is the chart that I need.
  18. Hi, i have issue to use trend line as work-around to show left border in StackedBar2D and Bar2D. In attached image below, the left side is the outcome with the xml show in the text file. But i would like to achieve what chart the show in the right hand side. Plese help and thanks in advanced. trendlineInStackedBarChart.txt
  19. Hi, Thanks for your reply.
  20. Line Chart X-Axis Label

    Hi, Just to confirm the answer, can I archieve what I want which are: 1. The date label is slanted always in the situation of 7 days - 6 months. 2. The date label show will be automatically by fusion chart. (Date will not overlap each other) If the above is achievable, what is the properties that I need to set? Thanks in advance.
  21. Hi, The work-around is working but what if I need also the left border? Is there any work-around for that?
  22. Line Chart X-Axis Label

    Hi, Setting 'XTLabelManagement' or not doesn't make any changes. What i want to archive are: 1. The date label is slanted always in the situation of 7 days - 6 months. 2. The date label show will be automatically by fusion chart The problem i encounter are: 1. Setting labelDisplay='rotate' will make the date label slanted always but the date label is not auto divide like the labelstep 2. Remove the labelDisplay='rotate' will make the date label slanted for date range around 2 months and if the date range is less than 10 days, the date label will show like the image (LabelNotSlant.jpg)
  23. Line Chart X-Axis Label

    Hi, i have further question on top of my previou question. For the above question 1, 1. I have 2 line chart with below setting, refer to image (LineChart.jpg). Want to know how is the x-axis label display work? Why is top image show thedate label every 2 days but the bottom image show date label everyday? >> The label display depends on the availability of space. (Your reply) But i found that, it is not display depends on the availability of space. Please refer to image (LineChartIssue.jpg) and LineChartIssue.txt for the XML file. The date show is not viewable. Because it is too many dates. If I remove the property - "labelDisplay='rotate'", refer to LineChartIssue-RemoveRotate.txt The date display will be look like image (LineChartIssue-RemoteRotate.jpg). Which if the date range is less than 2 weeks, the last date label in the chart will be wrapped. (see the bottom image). Please help. Thanks. LineChartIssue.txt LineChartIssue-RemoveRotate.txt
  24. Line Chart X-Axis Label

    Hi, Thanks for the reply.