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Everything posted by n4cer500

  1. Hi When using a waterfall chart, if the yAxisMinValue is specified, the chart is drawn incorrectly - each step in the waterfall is drawn as a full bar and extends further downwards outside the bounds of the chart. Any help gratefully appreciated! Thanks Adam
  2. Sure, here is the JSON we're using: { "chart":{ "numberprefix":"{:content:}quot;, "showvalues":"1", "showlabels":"1", "labelDisplay":"STAGGER", "plotfillangle":"2,98", "showconnectors":0, "plotgradientcolor":"", "showplotborder":"0", "placevaluesinside":"0", "bgcolor":"E0E5E9", "bgAlpha":"0,0", "showAlternateHGridColor":"0", "showsumatend":"0", "canvasborderthickness":"1", "canvasbordercolor":"B4BBC1", "borderthickness":"0", "yaxisname":"Volume EQC(M)", "baseFontColor":"FFFFFF", "divLineColor":"DDDDDD", "canvasBgAlpha":"0,0", "showBorder":"0", "chartBottomMargin":"10", "chartLeftMargin":"0", "toolTipBgColor":"333333", "yAxisValuesPadding":"5", "positiveColor":"000000", "negativeColor":"B50938", "yAxisMinValue":1300 }, "data":[ { "color":"64b0e2,0059a0", "label":"History Total", "value":2250, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"f50000,be0000", "label":"xxxx", "value":-187, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"f50000,be0000", "label":"xxxx", "value":-142.69, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"f50000,be0000", "label":"xxxx", "value":-48.53, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"f50000,be0000", "label":"xxxx", "value":-33.42, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"f50000,be0000", "label":"xxxx", "value":-5.1, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"f50000,be0000", "label":"xxxx", "value":-4.44, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"f50000,be0000", "label":"xxxx", "value":-0.34, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"f50000,be0000", "label":"xxxx", "value":0, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"00f100,00bf00", "label":"xxxx", "value":16.12, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"00f100,00bf00", "label":"xxxx", "value":52.39, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"00f100,00bf00", "label":"xxxx", "value":288.13, "isSum":0 }, { "color":"64b0e2,0059a0", "label":"Current Total", "value":2292, "isSum":1 } ] } Thanks for your help. Adam
  3. Javascript Charts Incompatible With Jquery 1.7.2

    I'm trying to show a waterfall chart with jQuery 1.7.2, and the bars don't appear. The rest of the chart draws correctly along with the labels. Is there a fix for this?