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About PSLNeeraj

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  1. Swarnam, But the requirement is such that I have to plot first two dataset on Primary Y-Axis and the third dataset on Secondary Y-Axis. According to you the third datset will be by default rendered as line. Is there any workaround for rendering Secondary Y-Axis dataset as a Column? Can FusionCharts allow renderAs="Column" in MSColumn3DLineDY chart?
  2. Hi, I have tried adding empty dataset at the end but it is not working for me. Here is the sample XML which I am using cuurently with the snapshot of the rendered chart: <chart palette="1" caption="Sales" showLabels="1" showvalues="0" numberPrefix="$" sYAxisValuesDecimals="2" connectNullData="0" PYAxisName="Revenue" SYAxisName="Quantity" numDivLines="4" formatNumberScale="0"> <categories> <category label="March" /> <category label="April" /> <category label="May" /> <category label="June" /> <category label="July" /> </categories> <dataset seriesName="Product A" color="AFD8F8" showValues="0" parentYAxis="P"> <set value="25601.34" /> <set value="20148.82" /> <set value="17372.76" /> <set value="35407.15" /> <set value="38105.68" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Product B" color="F6BD0F" showValues="0" parentYAxis="P"> <set value="57401.85" /> <set value="41941.19" /> <set value="45263.37" /> <set value="117320.16" /> <set value="114845.27" dashed="1"/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Total Quantity" color="8BBA00" showValues="0" parentYAxis="S"> <set value="45000" /> <set value="44835" /> <set value="42835" /> <set value="77557" /> <set value="92633" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Dummy" color="000000" showValues="0" parentYAxis="S></dataset> </chart> Please let me know where I am making mistake.
  3. I need some help regarding Multi Series 3D Dual Y Combination chart. This chart by default renders 3rd dataset as a line and renderAs="Column" attribute is not supported for this chart. If we use Dual Y 2D combination chart then it supports renderAs attribute. I have one requirement where we want to use 3D Dual Y Combination chart and we want to show each dataset as column in the chart, and I am using MSColumn3DLineDY.swf chart, but this chart doesn't render the 3rd dataset as Column even if I mention renderAs="Column" attribute for that dataset. When I use 2D dual Y chart (MSCombiDY2D.swf), renderAs="Column" attribute works fine there, but I dont want to use 2D chart. It ill be great if renderAs Attribute is upported in this chart. This is very urgent requirement for our client as they have already bought Fusioncharts license!! So is there any solution for my stated problem?