Hello...I've a performance issue on IE. I'm rendering the chart (Multi-series 2D line chart) in Javascript mode, the chart is first rendered in a JSP page with small amount of data passed as string to the method setXMLData().
After page load, each minute an ajax request is made and a new string is retrieved in the response, then passed to the same chart object for rendering again, but this time with larger data. After 5 minutes, when the size of the string is too long, there is a performance issue and the graph takes time to load, and this time increases according to the amount of data in the string (I've more than one chart object, each renders different increasing results, its like a dashboard).
What i'm trying to do is to make the charts act dynamically and update it self periodically. I dont know if there is a better way to do this or what...since I'm brand new to fusion charts and i'm stick to deadline.
Thanks all!