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About itsm

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  1. Thanks Sanjukta! That helps!
  2. I am using Fusion Charts V3 (FusionCharts v3.2.2 SR4) in my ASP.NET application. I have some line charts (JavaScript) on my page which show some information in tooltips. I could see these tooltips in IE9. After upgrading to IE10, I cannot see the tooltips anymore. Is there an update that will fix this issue? Please note that the tooltips for pie and bar charts are working fine, only line charts are showing the issue. Thanks!
  3. I am trying to setup y axis labels as hyperlinks. I set the rowId to something like <a href="pagename.aspx">label1<a> and am able to get a hyperlink. I want to set the color to blue and underline the texts. So I created a style for it. The documentation indicates that style for Y axis labels can be set using "DATAYLABELS" and X axis labels can be set using "DATAXLABELS". But none of them is working. When I set "DATALABELS", the style gets applied to X axis. Please help.
  4. Overlaybutton In Ie9 Does Not Display

    Ok. Thanks for the info!
  5. Overlaybutton In Ie9 Does Not Display

    That's great. Is there a workaround for this issue?
  6. Overlaybutton Does Not Display In Linked Chart

    I am facing the same issue in a column chart using xmlurl and IE9. I set the link using xmlurl. When I click a column to load the child chart, the back button is visible until the child chart completes loading. After that, it becomes a small box. This works fine if I use xml instead of xmlurl. Is there a fix for this issue? Please see the image below. Thanks!
  7. Overlaybutton In Ie9 Does Not Display

    mganley2000, Sumedh, I am facing the same issue. Our supported browser is IE9, so this issue is high priority for us. Is there a fix available? Thanks!
  8. I did not understand. Could you please explain?
  9. Any ideas on how to make the charts flexible in size?
  10. Thanks for your response. Please find inline. Hi, Please find the response to your queries inline, below: 1. FusionCharts appear stretched in inactive tab panel. I have a tab container with 2 tabs. Each tab has two charts in a table with 2 columns. If tab1 was active when the page was loaded, then the charts in tab2 appear stretched, i.e. each tries to occupy the entire visible page width. Similarly if tab2 was active when the page was loaded, the charts in tab1 appear stretched. >> It seems that you have set the <table> width to "100%" and for both the Tabs and inside each <table> you are rendering two charts of "95%" width. Could you please set the <table> width to some fixed pixel value and then try rendering the charts through Tabs? I want each of the charts to always take up 50% of the space available. That is why setting a fixed pixel value will not work for me. 2. Bar chart does not export properly. When I try to export a bar chart to any format, I just get an empty plot with the title and axis labels and a rectangle. >> In the XML file (ChartData.xml), could you please set the "exportHandler", "exportAtClient" and "exportAction" attributes with proper values as per your requirement (either client or server side export) and try? For more information on "Exporting Charts as PDF/images > XML Attributes", please follow the link below: http://docs.fusionch...mage/ECXML.html I will try this and let you know. I want to mention that the export works fine for the Column2D chart in the sample. I have also tried it with Pie2D, MSColumn2D, StackedColum2D, MSLine, and a few others and did not face this issue. The issue is only for Bar2D charts. Hope this helps!
  11. Hi, I'm facing 2 issues with Fusion Charts. 1. FusionCharts appear stretched in inactive tab panel I have a tab container with 2 tabs. Each tab has two charts in a table with 2 columns. If tab1 was active when the page was loaded, then the charts in tab2 appear stretched, i.e. each tries to occupy the entire visible page width. Similarly if tab2 was active when the page was loaded, the charts in tab1 appear stretched. 2. Bar chart does not export properly. When I try to export a bar chart to any format, I just get an empty plot with the title and axis labels and a rectangle. I have attached sample code and screenshots of the issues. Please help. Thanks!