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About wini

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Screen shot: My requirement is : Show some text like "click here to view details", when mouse over green/yellow/red circular symbol. <datatable showProcessName='1' nameAlign='left' fontColor='000000' fontSize='10' vAlign='right' align='center' headerVAlign='bottom' headerAlign='left' headerbgColor='4567aa' headerFontColor='ffffff' headerFontSize='12' > <datacolumn headerText='Issues A' headerFontSize='12' headerVAlign='bottom' headerAlign='left' align='left' fontSize='12' width='70'> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='00FF00' link='N-http://XXXXXXXX'/> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='FF0000' link='N-http://XXXXXXXX'/> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='FF0000' link='N-http://XXXXXXXX'/> </datacolumn> <datacolumn headerText='Issues B' headerFontSize='12' headerVAlign='bottom' headerAlign='left' align='left' fontSize='12' width='60'> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='FFFF00' link='N-http://XXXXX'/> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='00FF00' link='N-http://XXXX'/> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='00FF00' link='N-http://XXXXXX'/> </datacolumn> <datacolumn headerText='Issues C' headerFontSize='12' headerVAlign='bottom' headerAlign='left' align='left' fontSize='12' width='60'> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='FF0000' /> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='FF0000' /> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='FF0000' /> </datacolumn> </datatable>
  2. Our company has bought FusionCharts XT already, and would like to buy FusionChart Widgets XT. Is is possible to add "tooltip for datacolumns cells"? Thank you.
  3. Or is that possible to hide the tips for datacolumn cell only?
  4. Does Gantt Chart datacolumn text cell support tips? I set a link for the datacolumn text cell. When mouse over the datacolumn cell, it will show the value of label as tips. Is it possible to show other tips when mouse over the datacolumn cell? <datacolumn headerText='Issues' headerFontSize='12' headerVAlign='bottom' headerAlign='left' align='left' fontSize='12' width='60'> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='FFFF00' link='N-http://XXXXXXX'/> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='00FF00' link='N-http://XXXXXXX'/> <text label='●' fontSize='28' fontColor='00FF00' link='N-http://XXXXXXX'/> </datacolumn>