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Everything posted by sagar21789

  1. Hello, I am working on Angulargauge. I have 10 values "0 to 10", & I want to display label at pointer "showValue" : "1", "valuebelowpivot": "1" Using this value display like 0,1,2 but actually I want to display label stock for 0, book for 1, & also display value at pointer. Using "valuey": "250" Using this property i am able to fix the location but when i change the value using following code getChartFromId("myChartId").feedData("&value=9") ; Value change but the label position not change. I want to display label of that particular value on top of pointer. How should i do this???? Thanks......
  2. Angulargauge Value At On Pointer

    Hello, Here I am attaching two images.... As the value changes to 65 I want to display label on pointer as "booked", If value changes to 20 I want to display label on pointer as "open", similar to other values My Json code is { "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "origw": "340", "origh": "340", "bgcolor": "FFFFFF", "upperlimit": "100", "lowerlimit": "0", "showlimits": "1", "basefontcolor": "666666", "majortmnumber": "11", "majortmcolor": "666666", "majortmheight": "8", "minortmnumber": "5", "minortmcolor": "666666", "minortmheight": "3", "pivotradius": "20", "showgaugeborder": "0", "gaugeouterradius": "100", "gaugeinnerradius": "90", "gaugeoriginx": "170", "gaugeoriginy": "170", "gaugestartangle": "250", "gaugeendangle": "-70", "placevaluesinside": "1", "gaugefillmix": "", "pivotfillmix": "{F0EFEA}, {BEBCB0}", "pivotbordercolor": "BEBCB0", "pivotfillratio": "80,20", "showshadow": "0", "showgaugelabels": "1", "valueabovepointer": "1", "pointerontop": "1", "showValue" : "1", "showdisplayValue" : "1", "valuebelowpivot": "1" }, "colorrange": { "color": [ { "minvalue": "0", "maxvalue": "80", "code": "00FF00", "alpha": "0" }, { "minvalue": "80", "maxvalue": "100", "code": "FF0000", "alpha": "50" } ] }, "dials": { "dial": [ { "value": "20", "displayValue" : "open", "bordercolor": "FFFFFF", "bgcolor": "bebcb0, f0efea, bebcb0", "borderalpha": "0", "basewidth": "10", "topwidth": "3" } ] }, "annotations": { "groups": [ { "x": "170", "y": "170", "items": [ { "type": "circle", "x": "0", "y": "0", "radius": "150", "bordercolor": "bebcb0", "fillasgradient": "1", "fillcolor": "f0efea, bebcb0", "fillratio": "85,15" }, { "type": "circle", "x": "0", "y": "0", "radius": "120", "fillcolor": "bebcb0, f0efea", "fillratio": "85,15" }, { "type": "circle", "x": "0", "color": "FFFFFF", "y": "0", "radius": "100", "bordercolor": "f0efea" } ] } ] } } I have tried some properties but it doesn't work. To change the value i used getChartFromId("angulargaugeId").feedData("&value="+val) ; Using this pointer & value change but I want to change the value lable & it must be display on pointer. Is there any way to do this. Thanks and Regards sagar
  3. Hello, I am working on funnel chart, I want to toggle slice after specific time interval. I reffered In similar way i want to Toggle slice of Funnel Is there any way to do this?
  4. Funnel Chart Toggle Slice

    Ok, Thanks, I will checkout the links...... Thanks once again.
  5. Funnel Chart Toggle Slice

    Thanks, Actually i Need to access the slice property of the funnel chart. I have done this using json like $.getJSON('Data/funnel.json', function(data) { var rdata = {}; rdata = data; if (slice< {[slice].isSliced = "1" ; slice++; }else { slice = 1;[0].isSliced = "1" ; } //funnel chart var funnel = new FusionCharts("Charts/Funnel.swf", "funnelId", "500", "500", "0", "1"); funnel.setJSONData(item); funnel.render("funnel"); }); This is my slicing function which is called after 5 sec. It works , But I want ask is there any other way to do this, like inbuilt function like Togglepieslice similar to that. Thanks and Regards sagar