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About fashel

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Can't Load Map

    HI too, Thank you very much for your help. I will try your advice
  2. Fusion Map Drill-Down Issues

    Hi Chifaa I'm afas and I'm still new in the fusion map. I see you've been able to use a drill down of fusion map as well. I want to ask the state what you use to drill down? Can the state or territory that no flash can be done drill down too? Thank you.
  3. Can't Load Map

    thanks a lot Sashibhusan I'll try it and may I ask for your email if I want to ask more intensively about the code? thank you
  4. Can't Load Map

    hi Sashibhusan thank you for your response Initially, I tried to open a direct way of making a chart using php with data retrieved from the database I tried directly from the extraction of the fusion chart. Can you give me a tutorial using the fusion maps as I am still confused by the tutorial provided by the fusion chart. thank you. try.bmp error2.bmp
  5. Can't Load Map

    Hi Fusion map I'm using the trial verson, i'm trying to create a folder with php fusion with mengoneksikan database. i have a problem when opening a folder with php fusion as shown below. FusionMaps Demo Application - Database + Drill-down State-wise population distribution - with respect to total US population. Click on a state to see more details. element and add the attributes that we need. $strXML = ""; #define out color range $strXML .= ""; $strXML .= ""; $strXML .= ""; $strXML .= ""; $strXML .= ""; $strXML .= ""; # Add the starting element for data $strXML .= ""; # Fetch all data now # Initialize sum container $strQuery = "select sum(data) datap from fcmap_distribution"; $result3 = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error()); $rs = mysql_fetch_array($result3); #extract total sum if(count($rs)!=0) $sumdata=$rs['datap']; # Fetch all Internal id and data sum $strQuery = "select Internal_Id, sum(data) datap from fcmap_distribution group by Internal_Id"; $result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error()); # Check if we've records to show if ($result) { # Iterate through each record while($rs1= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $strQuery ="select * from fcmap_master where Internal_Id='" . $rs1['Internal_Id'] . "'"; $result1 = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error()); $rs2 = mysql_fetch_array($result1); # Generate , calculating sum and Percentage data #and also add link to it # The link will in format Detailed.php?Internal_Id=Int_Id&map=map_swf.swf - we'll need to URL Encode this link to convert & to %26 (or manually add it as %26 instead of &) $strXML .= " Thank you.