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About xiexiest

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  1. Can The Set Value Be String?

    <div id ="chart1" style="color:red"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function(){ var chart1 = new FusionCharts('fusioncharts/SSGrid.swf', "chart1", document.body.clientWidth*0.2, "300", "0", "1"); chart1.setTransparent(true); chart1.setDataURL("SSGrid.xml"); chart1.render("chart1"); } </script> SSGrid.xml: <chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' showValues='0' decimals='0' formatNumberScale='0' labelDisplay='Rotate'> <set label='Jan' value='462' /> <set label='Feb' value='857' /> <set label='Mar' value='671' /> <set label='Apr' value='494' /> <set label='May' value='761' /> <set label='Jun' value='960' /> </chart> It works when the value is number ,but when i change it to string ,it does't work. <chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' showValues='0' decimals='0' formatNumberScale='0' labelDisplay='Rotate'> <set label='Jan' value='apple' /> <set label='Feb' value='banana' /> <set label='Mar' value='cherry' /> <set label='Apr' value='cumquat' /> <set label='May' value='haw' /> <set label='Jun' value='fig' /> </chart> What can I do? waiting for your answer.
  2. Multiple Y Axis With Mscombidy2D.swf

    Thanks for your answer! The xml are as below: <chart caption='' xAxisName='Time' showValues='0' divLineAlpha='100' numVDivLines='4' vDivLineAlpha='0' showAlternateVGridColor='1' alternateVGridAlpha='5' > <categories><category label='2012101700' /><category label='2012101701' /> <category label='2012101702' /><category label='2012101703' /> <category label='2012101704' /><category label='2012101705' /> <category label='2012101706' /><category label='2012101707' /> <category label='2012101708' /><category label='2012101709' /> <category label='2012101710' /><category label='2012101711' /> <category label='2012101712' /><category label='2012101713' /> <category label='2012101714' /><category label='2012101715' /> <category label='2012101716' /></categories> <axis title='flux' titlePos='left' tickWidth='10' divlineisdashed='1' defaultNumberScale='MB' numberScaleValue='1024,1024' numberScaleUnit='Gb,Tb' decimals='2' forceDecimals='1' > <dataset seriesName='infulx' > <set value='4777296' /> <set value='8151122' /><set value='6765429' /> <set value='6872906' /><set value='7991352' /> <set value='14413205' /><set value='8566808' /> <set value='18671469' /><set value='18954468' /> <set value='9144829' /><set value='16287147' /> <set value='7879392' /><set value='14771031' /> <set value='12990172' /><set value='11779701' /> <set value='8714545' /><set value='1567173' /> </dataset> </axis> </chart> I have read the doc about tooltext,But I also has some problems. <chart> <set label='John' value='420' tooltext='John Miller[b]{br}[/b]Score: 420[b]{br}[/b]Rank:2'/> <set label='Mary' value='295' tooltext='Mary Evans[b]{br}[/b]Score: 295[b]{br}[/b]Rank:3'/> <set label='Tom' value='523' tooltext='Tom Bowler[b]{br}[/b]Score: 523[b]{br}[/b]Rank:1'/> </chart> Can this achieve by other ways? such as use a quote of series Name instead? <set label='Tom' value='523' tooltext='{seriesName} {setLable} {br}Score: {value}{br}'/>
  3. Multiple Y Axis With Mscombidy2D.swf

    Hi! Thanks for your answer. I meet a problem about toolText. I read the doc online,It said ,"By default, PowerCharts XT shows the series Name, Category Name and value as tool tip text for that data item". But I found that the toolText on the chart didn't include series Name. How can I display more information for the data item on the tool tip ?
  4. Multiple Y Axis With Mscombidy2D.swf

    Hi,thanks for your answer! I wonder to know which version start to support MultiAxisLine chart ?
  5. I use MSCombiDY2D.swf to create a chart combine line and column with double Y axis. But I need the third Y axis ,because the value unit are different from each other. can you tell me how can I do ? Can other charts can do ? waiting for your answers.
  6. I use MSCombiDY2D.swf to create a chart combine line and column with double Y axis. But I need to third Y axis ,because the value unit are different from each other.

    can you tell me how can I do ? waiting for your answers.