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About Mathan

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  1. Hi, I have created a Linear gauge with the following XML configuration below: I have set the background color to be D1EBF7. The circle above the gauge is in this color, but the color of the rectangle background is different. (See the attached image) I have set the following values to D1EBF7 1. bgColor in chart 2. color in annotation for the type circle. Is there something I need to get the background of the entire linear gauge to be in the same color. <chart manageResize="1" origW="420" origH="90" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" numberSuffix="%" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="0" showBorder="0" bgColor="D1EBF7" ticksBelowGauge="1" valuePadding="0" gaugeFillMix="" showGaugeBorder="0" pointerOnTop="0" pointerRadius="5" pointerBorderColor="000000" pointerBgColor="000000" annRenderDelay="0" showShadow="0" minorTMNumber="0" baseFontColor="000000" baseFontSize="12" animation="0"> <colorRange> <color minValue="0" maxValue="100" alpha="0"/> <gcolorRange> <annotations> <annotationGroup id="Grp1" showBelow="0" x="210" y="-765"> <annotation type="circle" radius="800" color="D1EBF7"/> </annotationGroup> <annotationGroup id="Grp2" showBelow="1"> <annotation type="rectangle" x="$gaugeStartX" y="$gaugeStartY" toX="$gaugeEndX" toY="$gaugeEndY" fillColor="E00000,FCEF27,678000"/> </annotationGroup> <annotationGroup id="Grp3" showBelow="0"> <annotation type="text" x="$gaugeStartX+30" y="40" size="10" color="FFFFFF" bold="1" label="Negative" /> <annotation type="text" x="$gaugeEndX-30" y="40" size="10" color="FFFFFF" bold="1" label="Positive" /> </annotationGroup> </annotations> <styles> <definition> <style name="LabelShadow" type="shadow" distance="1" strength="3" color="333333"/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="Grp3" styles="LabelShadow"/> </application> </styles> <pointers> <pointer value="55"/> </pointers> </chart> Thanks for you response. Thanks Mathan