Razvan Deac

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About Razvan Deac

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Https Security Dialogbox In Ie

    Ok, Thanks for your reply. Razvan
  2. Problem With Ranges And Yaxismaxvalue.

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. The problem actually was that after setting this configuration cannot get JSON Data of the chart anymore. Should this problem be handled by adding restrictions on the combination of the attributes and data used to feed the chart? Thanks, Razvan
  3. Https Security Dialogbox In Ie

    Hi, Once the FusionCharts.js is fired there is an warning message in IE8. If this part of the script src=javascript:void(0) would be src='//:' no warning message will appear. (version 3.2.4-release.8565) Thanks for your help, Razvan
  4. Problem With Ranges And Yaxismaxvalue.

    Hi, Take 'Column 2D Chart' for example. Feed it with this xml for example: <chart canvasTopMargin="1" aboutMenuItemLabel="About" showBorder="0" formatNumberScale="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" yAxisMaxValue="500" paletteColors="4572A7,AA4643,89A54E,80699B,DB843D,7A1D20,80c0f0,00c090,e89f7b,c06090,3080a0" showPercentInToolTip="0" showValues="0" numberScaleUnit="K,M,B" xAxisName="Dummy" maxLabelWidthPercent="35" labelDisplay="AUTO" exportEnabled="1" chartTopMargin="5" canvasBorderColor="CCCCCC" showExportDataMenuItem="1" showShadow="0" numberScaleValue="1000,1000,1000" exportAction="save" plotGradientColor="" yAxisName="Dummy" canvasBorderThickness="0" yAxisMaxValue="300.0"> <set label="2012 A 2" value="1430"/> <set label="2012 B 3" value="1292"/> <set label="2012 C 4" value="85"/> <trendLines> <line endValue="300.0" isTrendZone="1" startValue="100.0" color="#DA1616" displayValue="Min" valueOnRight="1" showOnTop="0" thickness="2"/> </trendLines> <styles> <definition> <style name="PlotBevel" type="Bevel" distance="2"/> <style name="divShadow" type="shadow" angle="45" distance="2" color="000000"/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="DataPlot" styles="PlotBevel"/> <apply toObject="DIVLINES" styles="divShadow"/> </application> </styles></chart> JSONData() of the chart does not retuns expected properties,none of them is available.This happens when the red colored data is set. Regards,Razvan
  5. Hi, I've noticed a problem when using ranges/trendzone. For example if you have a range set this will automatically set the 'yAxisMaxValue' property to the highest 'endValue' of ranges added. After the chart is loaded if you set the 'yAxisMaxValue' to a specific value the JSONData of the chart will break. How can we manage this scenario? Thanks, Razvan