Hello Fusioncharts Support,
I have a Dashboard application that displays six different Fusioncharts.
With Flash the rendering is really slow.
Can you suggest a way by which this can be speeded up. Is there a way that the .swf files are not downloaded everytime the chart is rendering..if that can speed up the process
Other option is I want to render using javacript charts so that it is faster.
I am using the following code.FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript');
However, the javascript chart look way different than the Flash ones.
For a 2DPie chart, I am setting the following properties
enableSmartLabels = "1"; smartLineThickness="2"; smartLineColor="333333"; isSmartLineSlanted="0";
However, when I use javscript charts, it dies not show any of smart lines or labels
All labels are inside the pie chart and they are overlapping.
Also, I am using MSCombi3D.swf for a combination chart and that looks very way when displayed using javascript.
They all look good with Flash but it is very slow.
Please let me know:
1. Is there a way to speed up the Falsh Charts
2. Also, how can the javascript charts look the same as Flash and show all the smartlines and labels