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Everything posted by GaetVa

  1. Hello, i have a question about the position of a label concerning vertical lines (in my case about Multi-series Line Chart). depending of the size of the chart, the number of dots of the chart, the number of vertical lines, and the size of the label, you can have overlapping of the labels. Of course, you can use labelPosition, but if you have for instance, several dots on a not too big chart panel, even if you put a position of 0 for the first label of Vline, a position of 0.05 for the second label, and 0 for the third label, and so on, you can however still have overlapping of the labels. I understand that you could put 0.1, 0.15, for the next labels, but it desserves visibility on it. So my question is : is there some tips, or perhaps a new property in a future version which could compute automatically the position of a label without having overlapping and keeping visibility of it ? Thanks a lot and regards Alain
  2. Hello, I am trying, after updating some datas in the xml, to generate only the datas changed without generating each time completly the chart. But nothing is change on my chart. I followed examples i found (ex : and this one : file:///C:/R&D%20TECH/fusion%20Charts%20full%20version/FusionCharts_XT_OLSrc/FusionCharts_XT/Contents/index.html) Below is my code. I used setxmldata instead of setXMLUrl, but tried with myChart.setChartData(xmlfile2, "xml"), and nothing appears too. If someone can provide me some help, i would be gratefull :-) //<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> //<html xmlns=""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>My First chart using FusionCharts - Using JavaScript</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="Charts/FusionCharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- function onclickCallback () { var xmlfile2 = '<chart showValues="0" caption="test" numberPrefix="$" xAxisName="Date" yAxisName="Quantity" useRoundEdges="1" ><categories><category label="01/01/2013"/><category label="02/01/2013"/><category label="03/01/2013"/><category label="04/01/2013"/></categories><dataset seriesName="Truck 1" color = "FF0000" ><set value="235000"/><set value="225100"/><set value="222000"/><set value="230500"/></dataset><dataset seriesName="Truck 2"><set value="23000"/><set value="13000"/><set value="0"/><set value="8000" /></dataset><dataset seriesName="Truck 3" color="F984A1"><set value="230000"/><set value="143000"/>";/><set value="198000"/><set value="327600"/></dataset><dataset seriesName="Free" color="8BBA00"><set value="110000"/><set value="180000"/><set value="700000"/><set value=""/></dataset><dataset seriesName="Capacity" renderAs="Line" ><set value="800000"/><set value="700000"/><set value=""/><set value="500000"/></dataset></chart>' var myChart = FusionCharts("myChartId"); myChart.setXMLData(xmlfile2); } //FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); var xmlfile = '<chart showValues="0" caption="Stored load" numberPrefix="$" xAxisName="Date" yAxisName="Quantity" useRoundEdges="1" ><categories><category label="01/01/2013"/><category label="02/01/2013"/><category label="03/01/2013"/><category label="04/01/2013"/></categories><dataset seriesName="Truck 1" color = "009900" ><set value="235000"/><set value="225100"/><set value="222000"/><set value="230500"/></dataset><dataset seriesName="Truck 2"><set value="230000"/><set value="143000"/><set value="0"/><set value="80000" /></dataset><dataset seriesName="Truck 3" color="F984A1"><set value="230000"/><set value="143000"/>";/><set value="198000"/><set value="327600"/></dataset><dataset seriesName="Free" color="8BBA00"><set value="110000"/><set value="180000"/><set value="700000"/><set value=""/></dataset><dataset seriesName="Capacity" renderAs="Line" ><set value="800000"/><set value="700000"/><set value=""/><set value="500000"/></dataset></chart>' var myChart = new FusionCharts( "Charts/StackedColumn2DLine.swf", "myChartId", "860", "340", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLData(xmlfile); myChart.render("chartContainer"); // --> </script> <input type="button" onClick="onclickCallback();" value="Change Chart Data"> </body> </html>
  3. Hello Sanjukta, Thanks a lot for your answer. I changed my Flash Global Security setting and chart is generated. But i have a question regarding this : I saw that even i changed only a colour for only a stacked bar, all the bars are generated again. Is there a way to only generate the stacked bar modified without generating all the bars of the chart ? For instance, we would like that when the user click on a stacked bar, this stacked bar changes its colour without all the stacked bars generated again, as when you have a lot of bars, it takes some times to generate again all the bars and it is more user friendly if it is possible to generate only the updated bar without generating all the others bars. Thanks and regards, Alain
  4. Scrolling In Fusioncharts

    Hello, I saw that in some charts (2D charts), it is possible to use scroll for the charts, but it seems not for 3D charts. (for instance stacked column 3D, column 3D, stacked column 3D + line, ...). Perhaps i am wrong and it is possible to use scrolling in fusionCharts for 3D charts, and in this case is there a parameter to do this as by default, the chart is displayed without scrolling ? Or i am right, and in this case, is the future version of fusionCharts will include scrolling for 3D charts ? Thanks a lot for your answer. Best regards, Alain
  5. Scrolling In Fusioncharts

    Hello Sumedh, Thanks a lot, waiting for your update. Regards, Alain
  6. Hello We would like to know if it is possible to detect if flash is installed before running charts in flash mod. In case of we have some customers not running flash on their browser, (for instance plug in disabled) we would like to add the line : FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); is it a way to do this ? Thanks a lot ! Alain
  7. Thanks a lot all for your support. Issue resolved. regards, Alain
  8. Where i can have the latest version, as the FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) SR5 (1st November, 2012) version, we received it by email ? Thanks Alain
  9. and version is : FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) SR5 (1st November, 2012):
  10. Hello Sumedh can i send you a "movie" with the example ? Thanks Alain
  11. for information, i am working with IE 9, but our matrice compatibility includes IE 8.
  12. Someone has some ideas about this ? When i move the mouse over the bars to display the tooltips, it took sometimes 2 seconds to move the other bar. In the internet page, we have 6 charts (2 bar charts, and 2 pie charts) hidden by flaps. For the bar chart the max bar we have is 20. (for instance if we have only 10 bars, it is quicker) when in flash, we have no problem, moving the mouse over the bars to display the tooltips. Thanks a lot in advance. Alain
  13. another problem we have is when we move mouse over for instance a bar chart, it takes a lot of more time to display the tooltip than in flash version when we go from bar to bar.
  14. Hello Swarnam Thanks a lot for your answer. Concerning PowerCharts, as we have v3.2.1 SR1, is the same managed in this version of PowerCharts ? Thanks Alain
  15. Hello In our application, when we have flash activated, charts are runing without problems, but when we desactivate flash in IE browder plug in, we get an error in fuionCharts.HC.js : Da.createStyleSheet().cssText="hcv\\:fill, hcv\\:path, hcv\\:shape, hcv\\:stroke{ behavior:url(#default#VML); display: inline-block; } "}, SCRIPT87: Invalid argument. FusionCharts.HC.js, line 275 character 86 Any idea ? Thanks a lot Alain
  16. Hello Sumedh I could not send you project as it need a lot of configuration (running on glassfish). but what i can say is we are using fusion and power charts in same application. What i did is i added FusionCharts.js into index.html <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/fusion/FusionCharts.js"></script> di as we are using power charts too, i added FusionCharts.HC.PowerCharts into fusion directory as we had some problems executing charts from power charts in javascript mode. (perhaps there is a better method to do this instead of copying the file ?) Regards Alain
  17. Hello Sanjukta yes we have this 4 files. Regards Alain
  18. After several more tests, it seems it is not coming from the fact that flash is activated or not but when we reload the internet page.