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About elias75

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  1. Hello, I have created a line chart (Line.SWF) using a dynamic file named "TimeSeriesData.ASP" to provide the XML data for the chart (from an MS Access database) Here is the code for how I invoke the line chart: <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="700" height="400" id="Line" > <param name="movie" value="../FusionCharts/Line.swf" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="dataURL=<%= encodeDataURL("TimeSeriesChartData.asp?chartType=" & chartIndex & "&dataPoint=" & request("dataPoint") & "&dateRange=" & dateRange, true) %>&debugMode=1" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="../FusionCharts/Line.swf" width="700" height="400" name="Line" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> </object> The code works fine in the base case but throws an "Error loading data file" when I put the follow SQL code in sql2 = "SELECT lead_id, lead_quantity_required, lead_quote_price, lead_how_heard FROM sales_leads "& _ "WHERE lead_status <> 'CLOSED VOID' and create_date >= #" & theMonth & "/1/" & theYear & "# " & _ "AND create_date < #" & nextMonth & "/1/" & nextYear & "# " & _ " AND " & request("chartType") & " = '" & request("dataPoint") & "'" It's strange though, because when I run the "TimeSeriesData.asp" file by cutting and pasting the URL to a browser, it properly loads the XML (well formed and everything) I also, turned on debug mode and saw the following ERROR: ERROR: An error occurred while loading data. Please check your dataURL, by clicking on the "dataURL invoked" link above, to see if it's returing valid XML data. Common causes for error are: No URL Encoding provided for querystrings in dataURL. If your dataURL contains querystrings as parameters, you'll need to URL Encode the same. e.g., Data.asp?id=101&subId=242 should be Data%2Easp%3Fid%3D101%26subId%3D242 Different sub-domain of chart .swf and dataURL. Both need to be same owing to sandbox security. Network error Now I am using URL Encode and I am using the same sub-domain so I have to believe it's a network error. I suspect it's some kind of time-out, does that sound right? That's the only thing that comes to mind that is different between when i use SQL and when I make it static (output XML is exactly the same) Any help would be appreciated.