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Everything posted by Sharmila

  1. Hi, I want to do a change on the 2D piechart. The change is that " I want to remove the indicator line from the segment on the pie chart". while Clicking on the pie chart segement the indicator line shows and i dont want to show that indicator line. so help me out from this problem. Thanks.
  2. Hi, I attached screen shot which marked over the indicator which i want to remove from the pie chart. please suggest me to remove it. Thanks indicator.bmp
  3. Hi, I herewith attached the screen shot of pie chart and i marked over on the screen about my issue. Please see and give me the solution for it. Thanks
  4. Hi, We need the bar chart as the attached screen. We tried this by removing "useroundedge" to "0" but this is not matching the screen. Can we place image in place of color code for bar2d chart??
  5. Hi Sashibhusan, I have attached the json data, we are using to draw Bar2D chart and we are using FusionCharts XT-3.3.0 Bar2D.txt
  6. Hi Sashibhusan, The below json data, we are using to draw Bar2D chart and we are using FusionCharts XT-3.3.0 { "chart": { "caption": "", "xaxisname": "", "yaxisname": "(Days)", "showvalues": "0", "useroundedges":"1", "canvasborderthickness": "1", "plotfillangle": "250", %
  7. Hi Sashibhusan, This is not working for me, could you please suggest some other solution? Regards, Sharmila.
  8. I am finding problem in dividing segment into 4 equal quaters what i tried : when i give the start and end values the segment have been auto divided into different quarters for different gauges in the same webview. Solution needed: Whatever may be the gauge and its start and end values i want it to be segmented into 4 equal quarters in the same webview.
  9. Angular Guage With Trend-Point

    Hi Sumedh, 1) We are using 3.2.4 version of fusion chart and we are rendering graph in mobiles 2) Angular Gauge with trend-points 3) Flash chart 4) screen shot attached, refered To be more clear, as in the attached figure the lower and upper limit values are 0 and 100. and the trend points are devided into 4 parts as(0%,25%,50%,75% & 100%), but in my case trend points are dynamically changing(i.e,if upper limit is 34 or 470etc) based on the upper limit graph segments(trends points) assgning but requirement for us is independent of any upper limit graph should divide into 4 segments ((0%-25%,25-50%,50-75% & 75-100%) in my case we have tried with the below attributes but it doesnt helps for various upper limits { "chart": { ... "majortmnumber": "4", "minortmnumber": "5" ... } Regards Sharmila
  10. Scroll

    I am facing some issues with the 3d column graph scroll. what I tried : The scrolling works fine only with the side bar in the webview and if I go for scrolling over the graph, it displays the bar values rather than letting us scroll. solution I need : I want the scrolling to work perfectly fine even over the graph other than side bar without interrrupting the display of bar values. So suggest us an appropriate solution.
  11. Scroll

    Hi Swarnam I am using Fusion chart 3.2.4 version (RUBY and RAILS) To be more clear : User unable to scroll vertically over the bar graph , i could only scroll outside the graph boundary to view the below content . Thanks , Sharmila
  12. Hi, I am using MSColumn2D graph using fusion charts. In which Actual and Target values are observed in decimal position, so the values are overlapping with the bars. suggest me how could i fix this issue? Regards Khadar
  13. Hi, in Angular Gauge is it possible to set the title inside the chart container??
  14. I need to customize the multi series column 2D bar chart same as the attached file. Please specify how to customize this??