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Everything posted by shamasis

  1. About Jquery Api Updatefusioncharts

    Drop the swfUrl parameter while updating.
  2. Hey, download the latest service release of FusionCharts as this has been addressed there. Let me know if things are still broken.
  3. Hi, Let's see how your issue can be resolved. In essence, you do not need to call "_doNotLoadExternalScript" if all your JS is loaded in a single file in a proper order. The order being: jQuery > FusionCharts.js > FusionCharts.HC.JS > FusionCharts.Charts.js. If the files are already loaded, the FusionCharts JS Library does not seek to load anything further. Thanks for investigating that deep. This and other related items will be addressed in our next service release. However, we do not recommend to depend on "_doNotLoadExternalScript" as it is merely an internal function designed for specific releases and specific workarounds. Could you please elaborate as to why you needed to use this function "_doNotLoadExternalScript"
  4. Below is a list of chart "aliases", their corresponding SWF files and its availability in various packages. The first column (alias) is to be used in the "type" attribute of FusionChartsDOM Alias v3 SWF FileName vFree SWF FileName DragColumn2D DragColumn2D.swf Not Available DragLine DragLine.swf Not Available DragArea DragArea.swf Not Available ErrorBar2D ErrorBar2D.swf Not Available SelectScatter SelectScatter.swf Not Available DragNode DragNode.swf Not Available Kagi Kagi.swf Not Available LogColumn2D LogMSColumn2D.swf Not Available LogLine2D LogMSLine.swf Not Available MultiLevelPie MultiLevelPie.swf Not Available MultiAxisLine MultiAxisLine.swf Not Available Rradar Radar.swf Not Available Funnel Funnel.swf FCF_Funnel.swf Candlestick Candlestick.swf FCF_Candlestick.swf Gantt Gantt.swf FCF_Gantt.swf Spline2D Spline.swf Not Available MSSpline2D MSSpline.swf Not Available SplineArea2D SplineArea.swf Not Available MSSplineArea2D MSSplineArea.swf Not Available InverseArea2D InverseMSArea.swf Not Available InverseColumn2D InverseMSColumn2D.swf Not Available InverseLine2D InverseMSLine.swf Not Available Waterfall Waterfall2D.swf Not Available Scatter Scatter.swf Not Available Bubble Bubble.swf Not Available Column3D Column3D.swf FCF_Column3D.swf Column2D Column2D.swf FCF_Column2D.swf MSColumn3D MSColumn3D.swf FCF_MSColumn3D.swf MSColumn2D MSColumn2D.swf FCF_MSColumn2D.swf StackedBar2D StackedBar2D.swf FCF_StackedBar2D.swf StackedColumn3D StackedColumn3D.swf FCF_StackedColumn3D.swf StackedColumn2D StackedColumn2D.swf FCF_StackedColumn2D.swf StackedBar3D StackedBar3D.swf Not Available StackedArea2D StackedArea2D.swf FCF_StackedArea2D.swf StackedColumn3DLineDY StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf Not Available Pie2D Pie2D.swf FCF_Pie2D.swf Pie3D Pie3D.swf FCF_Pie3D.swf Doughnut2D Doughnut2D.swf FCF_Doughnut2D.swf Donut2D Doughnut2D.swf FCF_Doughnut2D.swf Doughnut3D Doughnut3D.swf Not Available Donut3D Doughnut3D.swf Not Available Line2D Line.swf FCF_Line.swf MSLine2D MSLine.swf FCF_MSLine.swf Bar2d Bar2D.swf FCF_Bar2D.swf MSBar2D MSBar2D.swf FCF_MSBar2D.swf MSBar3D MSBar3D.swf Not Available Area2D Area2D.swf FCF_Area2D.swf MSArea2D MSArea.swf FCF_MSArea2D.swf MSCombi2D MSCombi2D.swf Not Available MSCombi3D MSCombi3D.swf Not Available MSCombiDY2D MSCombiDY2D.swf FCF_MSColumn2DLineDY.swf MSStackedColumn2D MSStackedColumn2D.swf Not Available MSStackedcolumn2DLineDy MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf Not Available MSColumn3DLineDY MSColumn3DLineDY.swf FCF_MSColumn3DLineDY.swf MSColumn3DLine MSColumnLine3D.swf Not Available ScrollArea2D ScrollArea2D.swf Not Available Scrollcolumn2D ScrollColumn2D.swf Not Available ScrollLine2D ScrollLine2D.swf Not Available ScrollCombi2D ScrollCombi2D.swf Not Available ScrollCombiDY2D ScrollCombiDY2D.swf Not Available ScrollStackedColumn2D ScrollStackedColumn2D.swf Not Available RealtimeArea RealTimeArea.swf Not Available RealtimeColumn RealTimeColumn.swf Not Available RealtimeLine RealTimeLine.swf Not Available RealtimeStackedArea RealTimeStackedArea.swf Not Available RealtimeStackedColumn RealTimeStackedColumn.swf Not Available RealtimeAngular AngularGauge.swf Not Available RealtimeBulb Bulb.swf Not Available RealtimeCylinder Cylinder.swf Not Available RealtimeHorizontalLED HLED.swf Not Available RealtimeHorizontalLinear HLinearGauge.swf Not Available RealtimeThermometer Thermometer.swf Not Available RealtimeVerticalLED VLED.swf Not Available SparkLine SparkLine.swf Not Available SparkColumn SparkColumn.swf Not Available SparkWinLoss SparkWinLoss.swf Not Available HorizontalBullet HBullet.swf Not Available VerticalBullet VBullet.swf Not Available Pyramid Pyramid.swf Not Available DrawingPad DrawingPad.swf Not Available ExportComponent FCExporter.swf Not Available
  5. So, this is with FusionWidgets. Did you notice the same for FusionCharts 3.2.x?
  6. Hey Archana, how did you solve this? Was it the upgrade to FusionCharts 3.2 that solved it or was it that you adjusted your security settings?
  7. Rendering FusionCharts with script in one frame/window and the container HTML element being on another frame/window is not yet supported with FusionCharts. there are security implications that are still under feasibility analysis before we go ahead and implement this feature.
  8. Fusioncharts Dom With 3.2

    How urgent is your requirement? We are in a process of upgrading FusionCharts DOM to 3.2 Framework, but that would take some time. I recommend you use FusionCharts native JS syntax until then.
  9. Javascript Errors Rendering Charts

    Hi there, Give it another shot by using the latest FusionCharts JS supplied with the PowerCharts pack ( Just replace your existing FusionCharts JS with all JS supplied within the Charts and JSClass floder of PowerCharts. Lemme know what happens.
  10. Ah yes. I have encountered a few of such issues and it took me quite some time to realize that chart id was causing the problem. Ideally, a 'not-so-long' chart id that starts with an alphabet and does not have special characters had been foolproof. In almost all the cases, I found that when the renderer was set to 'javascript' it worked. This has given me a preliminary inference that it has got to do something with the Flash Player or particular system combination/configuration. Sadly, I hadn't been able to personally create a system that exhibits this error. Let's see, we will put some permutations into place and recreate this issue and track down the source. Inputs from everyone would definitely be helpful for us to zero-in on the resolution.
  11. Context Menu Killing Browser In Flash 10/linux

    Ah yes! I second that. But what about "wMode" related experiment on linux? Lemme see, if we can do it at our labs. But some of you guys do let me know if you get a chance to experiment on it.
  12. Context Menu Killing Browser In Flash 10/linux

    Try setting window-mode (wMode) to 'window' and let me know if the issue persists.
  13. Thanks. Will have a look into it and get back.
  14. Zooming And Scrolling In Iphone And Ipad

    Oh yes! We are definitely looking into it. What are your thoughts into the multi-touch JS events? And perhaps a graceful fallback for single-touch devices?
  15. Stackedbar2D Invalid Xml

    Are you running this locally. If yes, try running your codes from server and check. By "locally" I meant, direct from file using the "file://" protocol. The premise being: if you are providing data URL as "file://" protocol, the browser security restrictions on AJAX prevent it from being able to load data. Different browsers have different security policy on this. For example, in FireFox, you can fetch data provided the file is in the same folder as the HTML file from where it is being called.
  16. Greetings, Thanks for looking into the issue you are presently facing. Considering that your page throws the following error: #25081843:IECompatibility() Chart Id is same as a JavaScript variable name. Variable naming error. Please use unique name for chart JS variable, chart-id and container id. Let me explain the scenario as to why this check has been done in the first place. In Internet Explorer, when you have any variable (including HTMLNodes, form elements, etc) in the window scope that has the same name as a chart's id, the Flash External Interface routines for those charts are occasionally observed to be broken. This causes various JS functions to stop functioning as expected. This issue is a slightly difficult one to detect for users who are deploying FusionCharts by keeping non-IE browsers as reference. Now, the check (that you have mentioned) has been done at the beginning of the render() function (i.e. even before the object-embed code of the chart has been appended to the DOM). Thus, if you are doing a .render() on a chart, be it IE or any other browser, you must have window['chart-id'] as undefined. In case that is not happening for you, give us a live link to your problem or a scaled-down sample that exhibits the error you mention and we will surely look into it on a priority basis. Furthermore, if you are re-rendering a chart with the same id and in the same container, FusionCharts JS 3.2.1 will raise this error on IE. If you dispose() your old chart and then create a new instance, this issue will likely be resolved. We will definitely incorporate the probable fix that you have mentioned, in the event we are unable to fix your issue. Also, on a separate note, we are very sorry that you have encountered a large number of issues with the new JS. Our sole aim for the new JS was to make FusionCharts even better by adding more features, error handling and fixes to most browser-specific issues. I would request you to send us your feedback with all the issues that you are encountering and we promise to resolve them. That would not only benefit you but would also benefit the whole FusionCharts community.
  17. Fusioncharts Is Now Ipad Ready!

    The new FusionCharts v3.2 JS Library automatically switches to JS rendering for iPhone/iPad. There is no specific need to call FusionCharts._fallbackJSChartWhenNoFlash() method. Instead of that, try setting FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript') in your page head within a <script type="text/javascript"> block. This forces you to test whether your JS charts are rendering at all or not. Check that your JS charts are rendering fine in normal desktop browsers with the forementioned codes. If it does not, it implies there is some issue with either your JavaScript files. Also make sure you have the highcharts.js and jquery.min.js placed alongside in the same folder where your FusionCharts.js file resides. If you still face issues, send us your sample implementation to [email protected] and we will be happy to help.
  18. I am terribly sorry for not catching up with you on this earlier. Getting back to the issue, we did test using your sample app, and as expected, we did reproduce the flicker. However, as I had told you earlier, this redraw performance issue is not reflected on certain situations as I had mentioned earlier. This is causing it difficult for us to isolate the root cause of this issue. At one side, we have the new Flash Player as a possible source. And at the same side, we also have browser version as a possible source. (For example, though Mozilla and Chrome uses the same player plugin, we could not replicate the issue on Chrome!) Furthermore, Flash Player's Graphics Hard Acceleration feature can be a possible source too as, two systems, one with a popular Graphics hardware and one without, gave different results with almost similar software environment (with wMode to window). On the other hand, if we consider FusionCharts as the possible source, it is also very difficult to find the root cause under the above circumstances. Nevertheless, be rest assured that we are looking into patterns that cause lesser redraw issue. We will keep you updated.
  19. FusionCharts v3.2 Beta Impression

    This is a design time error. It is raised by FusionCharts to fix issues in IE. The error is raised when: 1. You have any global JS variable with the same name as the chart's id 2. If you have the same name for the charts JSObject variable and chart's ID. Example: var myChart = new FusionCharts('Charts/Column3D.swf', 'myChart'); // will raise error. Note that the JS variable myChart name is same as chart id 'myChart' ... this is not correct as this causes errors in IE.
  20. Greetings, Your observation pertaining to re-painting is more than perfect. We have been observing the same as well since Adobe's 10.1.x releases. Nevertheless, I can give you some of our other observations that you might want to look into. It is quite fascinating. a. The flickering issue is minimal (almost non-existent) in Mac OS, (probably due to its Flash Player's architecture.) b. Using data-xml, instead of data-url method causes less flicker. c. Using wMode (window mode) as "window", minimizes the flickering further. d. Flickering is also dependent on the graphics processing capability of the target (client) computer. e. The larger the size of the chart, the more prone it is to flickering issues. Furthermore, it would help us if you could send/host a scaled-down (html-based) implementation of your application along with a data that mimics your deployment.
  21. Hello, We think that we have a demo that uses our upcoming FusionCharts v3.2 framework and that this demo somewhat resembles to what your application does i.e. majorly update the chart based upon user interaction. Have a look at: and use the slider (three steps) to change the size of the legend at the bottom of the chart. While the legend size changes, do you see that same heavy flickering issue?
  22. Firefox not able to print Chart

    Oh yes! it will be. 3.2 will also have interactive legends: And also have a look at DOM Level2 compatible event listeners that are used in the above demo!
  23. Firefox not able to print Chart

    This is very important and necessary. During the time it says "not ready", it is actually exporting the chart into an image and drawing it in the background. And thus, you get a printable chart in FireFox and related browsers. Yes. 3.2 brings in lots of fixes, new features and pure joy for FusionCharts users and developers alike. As of now it is in pre-beta stage and as such codes are not directly available for download. We will be releasing this soon. Stay tuned. And oh... do you know that FusionCharts 3.2 has built-in drill-down feature of charts that are fully customizable? And it also supports percentage auto-resize. Have a look at and
  24. Firefox not able to print Chart

    Ok. Before I say anything else, I have one thing to show you. :cool: This solves the printing issue on FireFox and related browsers!!! We are still working on the IE printing issue. As for Smokescreen, it uses SVG rendering and as such the present FusionCharts v3 framework is too complex to be loaded in SVG/HTML5 environment. Thus, as a savior, we have put in a silent HTML5 fallback mechanism for iPad/iPhone/iPod and related devices. You can test them from! We would love to know your feedback/expectations.
  25. Animation Options

    Greetings, Animations are turned on in FusionCharts by default. One does not need to specifically configure them. FusionCharts decides the best look for you automatically. In case one wants to override the animation settings or completely turn them off, it can be done by setting specific XML attributes of FusionCharts Data-XML. As far as jQuery documentation is concerned. The jQuery documentation PDF is simply a reference as to how to implement and configure the product: "jQuery Plugin for FusionCharts." It does not contain documentation specific to FusionCharts Free or FusionCharts v3. For information as to how to configure FusionCharts Free and v3, you need to refer to the documentation specific to the product. The documentation is comprehensive and should provide you the information you want. Furthermore, if you want to turn off animation and it does not work, kindly send us a scaled down HTML-based version of your codes and we will see to the issue.