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Everything posted by shamasis

  1. Animation Options

    You need to refer to the FusionCharts Free XML documentation (http://www.fusioncharts/free/docs/) for configuring your charts. To enable or disable animation you would need to provide animation="0" within your data XML. Note that in case you are using HTMLTable data format, you can use the chartAttributes: {} parameter within dataOptions to provide animation: '0'.
  2. We presume you posted this in the wrong forum. Moving this to ASP.NET forum.
  3. jQuery Plugin Release

    Hi, We do realize your concerns. Our jQuery release was scheduled this very month itself. However, due to the rapid change in browser environments, we are having to look into making some serious changes to not only the jQuery plugin, but also the main FusionCharts.js itself. Wait for some time... and trust me, it is going to be great. We are trying to solve all the JavaScript and related issues that the changes in the major browsers have brought in. And oh yes, we have also formulated the API to make any dataSource/dataFormat fully customizable via jQuery itself. Stay tuned and be ready to do a final beta testing with these new features.
  4. Suppressing "Retrieving Data" display

    Greetings, I don't see mapWidth, mapHeight, debugMode and DOMId in this! var mapWidth="150", mapHeight="77", mapId="Map1", vars = { dataURL: "data/mapdata.xml", registerWithJS: "1", debugMode: "0", mapWidth: mapWidth, mapHeight: mapHeight, DOMId: mapId }, params = { play: "true", quality: "best", wMode: "window", allowScriptAccess: "always" }, attrs = { align: "middle", id: mapId }; swfobject.embedSWF("maps/FCMap_MME.swf", "AltMap", mapWidth, mapHeight, "8.0.0", false, vars, params, attrs); Maybe the above would help.
  5. Suppressing "Retrieving Data" display

    What are the flashVars that you are sending to swfobject? You should send: registerWithJS=1&debugMode=0&mapWidth=100&mapHeight=70&DOMId=$$Map-ID$$ Replace $$Map-ID$$ with your swf element's ID.
  6. Hey, I think I have something ready for you that can pull out the data (dataset) values as a 2d javascript array. Have a look at Now for pulling out categories (legends) I think I can give you the following JS code that will also return an array of categories. getCategoriesFromFusionChartsXML = function(sourceXML) { // validate innput argument type if(typeof sourceXML != "string") { throw "ArgumentException() :: sourceXML is not string."; } var r = []; // array to store results // parse set elements to retrieve values var a = sourceXML.replace(/<category.*?sname='(.*?)'|<category.*?sname="(.*?)"/ig, function($1, $2, $3) { r.push($2 || $3); }); return r; }; I wrote this JS on-the-fly. If it does not work, let me know, I will test it Monday up.
  7. SWFObject2 ( swfobject.js v 2) and IE Error

    With swfObject2, doing it is a bit tricky. Lets say you want to render your swf inside an element with if "map2Div" and your chart's ID you want to be "map2" the code would need to create a blank element inside map2Div with an id map2 and then render the chart in map2 var elm = document.createElement("span"); elm.setAttribute("id", "map2"); document.getElementById("map2Div").appendChild(elm); swfobject.embedSWF("FCMap_USA.swf", "map2", "520", "360", "8.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);
  8. SWFObject2 ( swfobject.js v 2) and IE Error

    Greetings, We are working on an updated FusionCharts.js and FusionMaps.js that incorporates swfObjecy v2.2 natively. For this particular issue of yours, you need to send registerWithJS: '1' in your flashVars object.
  9. First... when you do setDataXML on the chart the second time, you need not render it again. Hence, the line // chartObj.render('<%=CallGraph1.ClientID%>_FCDiv'); /* note that this fails as no method is found */ is not necessary. Now, after you set the XML of the chart (the 2nd time), it will take some time to process the new XML and render it and you are calling export method during that time. This is causing your code to break. The solution is pretty simple: after doing setDataXML, execute the export function after a 2000ms timeout (or a recursive timeout) So in your code, replace the last if-block with: setTimeout(function () { chartObj.exportChart(); }, 2000);
  10. Hey... when you load the second chart, are you hiding the first chart in any way? There is a known issue with Flash movies loosing their "capabilities" when hidden and then brought back.
  11. IE8: problem with hasRendered() and exportChart()

    Uhmm..... wierd! Do you have the page live somewhere so that I can see it directly? Otherwise can you send across a scaled-down version of your code.
  12. Greetings, You can modify the example code that you sent to render XML for Gantt chart instead of Pie chart. This is beyond the scope of immediate reply, but we are surely looking into developing a usable jQuery "pluginlet" for the same in some time to come. We will keep you posted regarding the same.
  13. How to add cross-line in MSLine.swf?

    Don't lament Rajroop... I love you in any case!
  14. Update on FusionCharts DOM

    Greetings, We are scheduled for the upcoming release of jQuery plugin for FusionCharts Free within next month. Post that, we would convert FusionCharts DOM 1.1 beta into a final release. Simultaneously, we would be working on FusionCharts v3 jQuery plugin beta (with added support for chart events,) and DOM 1.2 beta (with added support for parsing of tags added dynamically using AJAX.) These products are in a way community products as their development is totally driven by user and developer feedback. A feedback from you would be really helpful before the final releases as that would make sure that it meets all your requirements. We will keep you posted in advance.
  15. Greetings, As of now, we do not have a data-handler (dataFormat) for FusionCharts for jQuery that directly converts SharePoint lists to FusionCharts. However, there are solutions from our users that goes ahead to some extend in solving this issue. You can have a look at to get further insights. There are some more references:,!1628214CAC5A2899!130.entry We will surely update you if we have anything further from our side.
  16. Hey, A gazillion thanks for those kind words. You are spot on with the issue! The area colour, as of now, can be changed using XML dataFormat only! We are working on finding the easiest possible solution for HTMLTable data-format. If you see, others are facing similar issues. Have a look at: and We have almost come up with a solution and our next release will surely allow a dead easy way to change any FusionCharts setting using HTMLTable dataFormat. Give us some more time ... maybe a couple of weeks. We will surely keep you updated.
  17. fusion chart generating white/blank images

    Drop in a mail to [email protected] and we will send you the assemblies and sample.
  18. Basic examples do not work

    Greetings, You are most welcome. The jQuery plugin, as you may already be knowing, is currently in beta stage and primarily released for FusionCharts Free. However, this can also be used in FusionCharts v3. It would probably take another month to finally release the FusionCharts Free jQuery plugin and after that we will release the beta version of FusionCharts v3 jQuery plugin. The v3 jQuery plugin will have a lot more goodies for better integration with the advanced features of FusionCharts v3. You will get regular updates regarding jQuery at our jQuery forum:
  19. Speaking from an architectural perspective, the correct way to achieve what you need should not involve hacks of FusionChartsExportComponent.js Furthermore, if you start with updating the stream generated from the chart, you will have anti-aliasing issues and mismatched matte effects - exactly like the "ugly result" you are getting. You should rather try implementing this algorithm: 1: Just before calling export function on the chart - 1.1: getXML() from the chart and store it somewhere. 1.2: Create a new XML from above (1.1) and modify the <chart> element to have animation='0' property 1.3: Re-render the chart by setting new bgColor and new XML from above (1.2) 1.4: When FC_Rendered is called after 1.3, export the chart. 2: Once export completes and you get a completion call-back event - 2.1: Re-Render the chart by setting original bgColor and modified XML with animation=0 (1.2)
  20. fusion chart generating white/blank images

    Greetings, Can you just give me an insight into your ultimate aim? I am asking this because, FusionCharts itself supports exporting charts: (a) client-side, ( server-side via client, © purely server-side (experimental and for .NET only.)
  21. IE error

    That is sad! I will have a look at that post. Also, it seems that you are using jQuery in your page! Why don't you give a shot at the new FusionCharts jQuery plugiin?
  22. IE error

    This is a fairly common DOM update script logic issue faced by JS developers for IE. This can be easily resolved. Have a look at:
  23. MSCombi3D Chart not Exporting as JPG properly

    Hey Sudipto, That was an amazing solution. :smooooth:
  24. Oh yes. That is exactly the same issue we are facing! However, as I had mentioned earlier, try using it with jQuery 1.3.2, and it may work. Also, it works to some extend with FusionCharts Free as well.
  25. Now as you see, here stands one issue. FusionCharts, as of now, does not have a native event fired on update. The jQuery plugin will manually trigger the update when updateFusionCharts() function is used, hence we will try to standardise something. Perhaps, we will raise the event even when data is not changed and keep a "datachanged" flag as parameter to the event handler. But this may prove to be tough to implement. The $(':fusioncharts') method will not require much of an implementation from our plugin perspective as ":fusioncharts" selector is already present and events will propagate through to the top. But, we have tested that this method is not performance oriented and has a bad profile when used with significant number of charts. On the other hand, Manually triggering $(window).trigger() performs better. Nevertheless, if the loss is not that huge, we will opt for the one that is more usable! PS: Yes... there is an undocumented updateFusionCharts function in our jQuery plugin which you can experiment with. It does NOT work with jQury 1.4.x (due to limitation in jQuery), but works with 1.3.2 and hence we do not recommend to use it as of now. The code updateFusionCharts({ type: 'Pie3D' }); will change only the chart type of an existing chart... similarly updateFusionCharts({ data: 'mynewdata.xml' }); will just update the chart with new data and without re-rendering!