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Everything posted by shamasis

  1. USA Map Labels not rendering consistently

    ... Greetings, Can you please provide the following details: 1. Browser name and browser version you are using. (Example: FireFox 3 or Internet Explorer 6) 2. Version of Flash Plugin Installed 3. FusionMaps product version 4. FusionMaps JavaScript version (available within JS file as JS comments) 5. Screenshots of the error. The above would help us address the issue at the earliest.
  2. Urgent! How to destroy the FusionMaps object?

    ... Hello gwofu, As I can see from your codes, you have really done well to actually not recreate the ActiveX object while calling setDataXML(). This certainly WILL reduce (if not totally stop) memory leakage. However, for the present scenario, multiple factors are involved that control the the spatial usage of your available application memory. The browser implementation The Adobe Flash ActiveX plugin Browser's JavaScript engine FusionMaps SWF Out of these four, we have tried to ensure that no memory is leaked/wasted with our FusionMaps swf. Everytime you call setDataXML() we have made utmost care to re-use every set of internal variables and have also taken care to ensure that all objects are disposed before re-initialization. For the rest of the factors, we have no control! Nevertheless, you can also send us a zipped working example of the code that you are working on, so that we can run some memory usage profiling tests and see if we could possibly optimize it.
  3. ... Hello dlai101, It would help us a lot if you could let us know whether your environment same as others facing this issue: IE6 with Flash 10?
  4. Urgent! How to destroy the FusionMaps object?

    ... Hello gwofu, The FusionMaps created using JavaScript has two aspects that are possible reason for the memory leak. One is the JavaScript object or the other is the Flash object created by the JavaScript object. But before we go into more details, I would like you to let me know of two things. (1) Are you creating new Flash objects at client side on the same page itself? (2) Do these multiple objects reside on the page at the same time or is it serial in nature? i.e. When you are creating new FusionMaps, are you either keeping or replacing the old ones? Answers to these would allow us to address the issue in a better way. Also, let us know about the target platform(s) and browser(s).
  5. ... Hello nytr0x, FusionCharts DOM has some known issues with Internet Explorer. We are currently in the process of resolving them. In the meanwhile, you can try setting "renderOnLoad" setting to be false in global script settings (refer to the last point of "Features Explained" section in our DOM related documentation at <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/FusionChartsDOM.js" settings="renderOnLoad: false"></script> After setting this to false, you can try doing FusionChartsDOM.RenderAllCharts(true); sometime onLoad of the page or on some other event. Note that you should allow the page to fully load prior to calling any render function. This may or may not be of help as the results are still yet to be fully tested with certain results. Do let us know if it helped resolving your issues.
  6. ... Hello Gondrong, FusionCharts DOM framework is meant to be used within HTML itself and not within JavaScripts. The JavaScript Framework within FusionChartsDOM.js does all the hard work of converting your HTML code in appropriate FusionCharts objects.
  7. ... Hello sapha and nam37, Thank you for testing out FusionCharts DOM. I have compiled the code from the post by nam37 and have attached to this post. Running the code on an isolated Virtual Machine with Flash Player 10 and Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, Opera 9.20 and Firefox 3.0 returned no error. Multiple charts were loading just fine. It would help us a lot if you could kindly run the attached code on your machines and let us know whether it worked fine. Kindly note that when you are testing locally in IE with Windows XP SP2 or above, you need to "Allow Blocked Content" on the yellow "Information Bar" that appears on top when you first open the test-code. FusionCharts DOM is an advanced JavaScript Framework to simply make it easier for you to include FusionCharts into your webpages. In case there is any error with the presentation within the chart, we would have to treat this issue differently and as not related to FusionCharts DOM. Furthermore, the errors you were facing at has been resolved. Now you should not face any difficulty in loading this demo. Do remember to clear your browser-cache in case you intent to re-visit this demo page. Thanks a lot nam37 for pointing out this issue on the demo page. TestId
  8. ... Hello nam37, In accordance with the normal behaviour of FusionCharts, you cannot include FusionCharts SWF files using absolute http:// URLS that are outside your working domain. In simpler words, your code will work provided you run the JS locally and have your SWF files stored locally. When running your web-pages on servers, you are advised to use only relative URLs as swfPath. You should download the available DOM codes from and upload the evaluation Charts and corresonding JavaScripts onto your own web server. In case you are running them locally, you need to keep them alongside the HTML files where you have coded to include the charts. In case your HTML files are located elsewhere, you can provide a relative path within the <fusioncharts> tag or parameters="" section to point to the FusionCharts SWF files. Thus effectively, the <head> section of your code has to be (in case your FusionCharts codes are one directory higher than your working HTML):
  9. ... Hello bs5, The issue you are facing is due to the fact that when a chart is hidden, it loses a lot of its functionalities. In technical terms, this is due to the Browser's and Flash Players' implementation of conserving resources by reducing the spatial footprint of an SWF movie when the movie is hidden or is outside the viewport. The setDataXML() function is accessible to users only when the chart has fully rendered and is visible. Thus, when hidden, it is not in a 'rendered' state and this function becomes subsequently inaccessibly until the chart has re-rendered itself or has been made visible. Do let us know in case you have any further query regarding this issue.
  10. Chart renders in the corner some of the time.

    --- And as a side note, you might just be interested with another JavaScript implementation of ours: FusionChartsDOM. This has the unique feature of using inline XML. It also allows content-developers and other coders to easily integrate charts onto their pages by typing simple "<fusioncharts></fusioncharts>" tags. However, this product too has its own limitations that you might want to look into. For any further information on FusionChartsDOM, do not hesitate to contact us.
  11. Chart renders in the corner some of the time.

    Hello "bidwellm", It seems that you have not explicitly provided the chartWidth and chartHeight as required within FlashVars. To be more precise, in places where you are providing dataXml=<chart ...></chart>, you also need to add &chartWidth=580&chartHeight=380. The modified version of the code you have posted would be (changes highlighted):
  12. Assigning a state multiple values

    --- Hello knieriemrt, It would help if you could let us know where do you want the users to mouse hover in order to highlight "Region 1" related map?
  13. General Information

    FusionCharts DOM -- A new way to include FusionCharts in your HTML. Till now, to include a chart/map created by FusionCharts in your HTML page, you had three options: Direct HTML method: FusionCharts JavaScript Method: Using Server-Side API: In an effort to make this entire process even better and easier, we released FusionCharts DOM. [h3]What is FusionCharts DOM?[/h3]Essentially, FusionCharts DOM is a JavaScript file (FusionChartsDOM.js) that you need to include in your HTML page, along with the standard FusionCharts JavaScript class (FusionCharts.js). You can download both the files from [h3]How to use it?[/h3]Once you've downloaded and included the two JavaScript files in your page, to create a chart, all you need to do is use the <fusioncharts></fusioncharts> tag in your HTML code. Consider the code below: <html> <!-- #comment: your HTML Code here ... --> <fusioncharts chartType="MSCombi2D" dataUrl="profit_revenue.xml" width="100%"></fusioncharts> <!-- #comment: your HTML Code here... --> </html> This code creates a Multi-series combination 2D chart with its data source specified as Profit_revenue.xml. See it live. There are a lot of attributes which you can specify for <fusioncharts> element. The entire list can be found here. In-lining your XML data in the HTML code: If you do not wish to have an external XML file and have the XML data in-lined in the HTML code itself, the following code could be used: <fusioncharts chartType="Doughnut2D" width="100%"> <data><!--[CDATA[ <chart caption="Usage share of Web Browsers" subcaption="Third quarter of 2008" numberSuffix="%" palette='3' pieRadius='90' > <set name="IE6" tooltext="Internet Explorer 6" value="33.13" /> <set name="IE7" tooltext="Internet Explorer 7" value="39.09" /> <set name="Chrome" tooltext="Chrome" value="0.26" /> <set name="FF" tooltext="Mozilla Firefox" value="19.48" /> <set name="N" tooltext="Netscape" value="0.68" /> <set name="Opera" tooltext="Opera" value=".71" /> <set name="Safari" tooltext="Safari" value="6.39" /> <set name="Others" tooltext="Others" value="0.26" /> </chart> ]]--></data> </fusioncharts> Here, the entire XML data has been inlined under <data> tag. See this live in action. Added Advantage: Specifying common settings for all charts in page. If you've multiple charts in a page and wish to specify common settings for all of them, like width/height, debugMode etc., FusionCharts DOM allows you to specify the same within the <script> tag as under: <!-- #comment: script in <head> tag --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../docs/JavaScripts/FusionChartsDOM.js" parameters="chartType: 'Line', width: '200', height: '200'"></script> <!-- fusioncharts HTML tags in <body> --> <fusioncharts dataUrl="data/CISCO.xml"></fusioncharts> <fusioncharts dataUrl="data/IBM.xml"></fusioncharts> <fusioncharts dataUrl="data/JAVA.xml"></fusioncharts> <fusioncharts dataUrl="data/INTL.xml"></fusioncharts> In the above code, the four charts are generated as line chart with a width and height of 200 pixels. See it live here. Support for FusionCharts events: FusionCharts DOM supports all the other events and parameters that are supported by FusionCharts. If you've already integrated FusionCharts in your applications and wish to switch to DOM, the transition is seamless and does not break your existing JavaScript too. You can just replace the existing chart inclusion code with the new DOM style code. Related links: FusionCharts DOM may be downloaded here . Or, you may read the online documentation here. Blog Post: