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Posts posted by shamasis

  1. ...


    I will try to solve your issue one by one. :)

    First, you cannot call FCExporter.php directly. This is because, FCExporter.php mandatorily needs to be called by a FusionCharts chart as the chart sends the data that is required by the script to function properly. :)

    Next, as you report that you can view Image on browser, we can safely assume that the chart is setup well and data is being sent and interpreted properly.

    You are not getting any callback upon export. This can be due to various reason.

    1. There may be a JavaScript error on your deployment page.
    2. The FCExporter.php raises an unexpected error that is not well interpreted by your charts.

    In either of the above case, we would require a scaled down implementation of your code before our debug team can work on it. We would aprpeciate if you could send us your sample implementation in a zip file. That zip file should also contain your modified FCExporter.php

  2. ...


    ...Do this need any file to include other than FusionChartExportComponent.js or any other dll...

    Yes, you need to include FusionCharts.js AND FusionChartsExportComponent.js, and depending upon your implementation you may need to include other files as well. But, as far as the error you are facing, just including the above two files would do. :)

  3. ...

    This error occurs when FusionCharts.js is not included before including FusionChartsExportComponent.js

    To solve this, make sure  you have FusionCharts.js included before including FusionChartsExportCompenent.js

    A sample code will be somewhat like this:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionChartsExportComponent.js"></script>

  4. ...


    I am attaching a small sample application using FusionCharts v3.1.1 to test the wMode related issues.

    The application shows three charts (all same chart) in wMode as "window", "transparent" and "opaque" respectively. There is also an active Overlay HTML division that moves around with the mouse pointer and shows the current mouse coordinate.

    Moving the mouse across the first chart reveals that the overlay HTML division does not get over the chart in "window" mode. But in other two charts, everything seems fine. :hehe:

    Note: you will need to login in order to download this piece of code.

    PS: Thanks Sudipto for compiling this app.

  5. ...

    agreene (6/17/2009)
    It appears its just my machine that is having this problem. My co-workers are not having this problem using the same web project. I tried restarting my computer. Is there a particular setting I should check somewhere?

    Hello agreene,

    IMHO, there might be a problem with your Flash Player Installation. :) Re-installing the Flash Player might just solve your problem. There is a small post on re-installing Flash Player for Internet Explorer in Post #10208. See if this works for you. ;)

    Do lemme know!

  6. ...

    FusionChartsDOM works after the page is fully loaded (i.e. when the "load" event of a document is fired).

    So, if any script is preventing the page from fully loading (like some page analytics code, etc) charts will load slow at times. :D

    To know it for sure, we would like you to give us a link to the page where FusionChartsDOM is implemented. We will analyze and let you know. Also, do let us know which version of chart and javascript you are using along with the browser version. :D

  7. ...


    We have developed a workaround for the IE related issues that developers were facing while using FusionChartsDOM.

    I am attaching a BETA release of version 1.1.0 of FusionCharts DOM framework. This version includes some tweak and certain architectural changes. You should also have no issues rendering multiple charts in IE. :D

    For FusionCharts for Free users, this (attached js) framework has default settings for v3. You should set chartVersion="free" in your fusioncharts tag or set global parameters using parameters="chartVersion: 'free'" within FusionChartsDOM script tag.

    Note that this is a BETA release for developer evaluation only and is not meant for final deployment unless the final version is released. The final (1.1.0) version will be released soon.

    Known issues in this BETA: (1) keeping any <fusioncharts> tag within HTML comments <!-- --> causes FusionCharts DOM to not render the charts properly.

    Download your copy (you need to be registered and logged in to the forum) and give your feedback. :D

  8. ...


    To change the chart dynamically, you can use the following revised code:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

      //updateChart method is called whenever the user clicks the button to

    //update the chart. Here, we get a reference to the chart and update it's

    //data using setDataURL method.

    function updateChart(DOMId, swf){


        //Get reference to chart object using Dom ID

      var chartObj = new FusionCharts(swf, DOMId, "400", "300", "0", "1");


    //Update it's data URL to an XML file named NewData.xml



    //Render chart





    Usage Instructions: While calling the updateChart function, pass your new chart swf file name as well as parameter.

    <input type='button' value='Change Data' onclick='updateChart("chart1Id", "../../FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf");' name='btnUpdate'>



  9. ...


    The problem that you are referring to is exactly what we are trying to fix in this new release! :ermm: Can you please recheck by creating a test page with the new JS and see if it works fine in IE7? Maybe clear the browser cache for once. Verify that alert(FusionChartsDOM.version); reads like 1,0,3 or higher.


    Can you please be specific which demo is not working from FusionChartsDOM website? Is it all of them? However, our testing results show that FusionCharts DOM is fully compatible with IE6, IE7, IE8 and even IE5.5! :hehe: Can you verify whether you have JavaScript disabled or wrong flash version or anything else blocking FusionCharts DOM!

  10. ...


    If you need the DOM ID of the chart, it is same as the "chartId" that you have set (2nd parameter of new FusionCharts() constructor). The function getChartFromId('chartId'), will fetch the Chart object that has the DOM Id "chartId".

    To change the chart dynamically, you can use the following code:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

      //updateChart method is called whenever the user clicks the button to

    //update the chart. Here, we get a reference to the chart and update it's

    //data using setDataURL method.

    function updateChart(DOMId, swf){

        //Get reference to chart object using Dom ID

      var chartObj = getChartFromId("chart1Id");


    // change chart type

    if(swf) this.setAttribute('swf', swf);


    //Update it's URL



    //Disable the button

    this.document.frmUpdate.btnUpdate.disabled = true;




    Usage Instructions: While calling the updateChart function, pass your new chart swf file name as well.

    <input type='button' value='Change Data' onclick='updateChart("chart1Id", "../../FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf");' name='btnUpdate'>

  11. ...

    On a second thought, :ermm: the problem may actually lie with LifeRay/jQuery.

    FusionCharts DOM loads all charts after the onLoad event of the browser is fired. If any script is taking too long to load or if any JS activity is blocking the page's onLoad event for some time, then FusionCharts DOM will wait for the onLoad event to take place and consequently it would appear as if it is taking too long to load.

    IMO, you can verify this by adding a JavaScript alert('Loaded'); to body onLoad event. If it takes too long to alert, then our suspicion is proved correct. :)

  12. ...

    Hello Mohit,

    FusionCharts does not accept Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut to print charts. Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut is not same as right-clicking and printing a chart from the context-menu.

    If you have to invoke the print function of your browser then you can use Ctrl+P. But, that will only happen when the chart is not in focus (i.e. you click any other HTML element and not the chart and then press Ctrl+P.)

  13. ...


    We have identified the root cause of this incompatibility. The problem lies with the way Internet Explorer handles attached events to DOM elements. Subsequently, we have developed a workaround and have implemented the same and jQuery now seems to have no problems in living alongside FusionCharts DOM! :)

    You can find the latest Download at :w00t: