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Everything posted by vc1627

  1. Different Data Value Font Colors

    Hi, I am trying to change the color of my displayValue using your example with no luck. Can you help? I have the isHTML set to '1' and here is the xml that I am building. I am using a java class to build the dynamic xml. <set label='Nov 12' color='e6f1f6,e6f1f6' valuePosition='ABOVE' value='103.2699966430664' hoverText='On November 2012 you spent $103.27' link='P-detailsWin,width=400, height=300, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes-/view/printer_friendly.action' /> <set label='Nov 12' color='aed2e2,aed2e2' valuePosition='ABOVE' value='694.780029296875' hoverText='On November 2012 you spent $694.78' displayValue='<font style="color:FF008B;"> Current Bill \n\t $694.78</font>' link='P-detailsWin,width=400, height=300, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes-/view/printer_friendly.action' /> JavaScript var myChart = new FusionCharts( { type: 'ScrollColumn2D.swf', id : 'myChartId', width: '420', height: '270', debugMode : true } ); myChart.setXMLData("<%=xmlString%>"); myChart.render("chartContainer");