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About jerrym

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    Forum Newbie
  1. FusionCharts_Gen error

    hi its working now thank you. have you guys been having trouble with the fusoncharts_gen file??? this is the 2nd time in 2 days a new file has been issued. should i use another method instead if its not stable?
  2. FusionCharts_Gen error

    hi i'm not getting any xml as it throws an error as below; Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01C2) Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment /Tracking4/FusionCharts/Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.asp, line 1012 i followed the example, actually i copied the example so in the chart gallery, please could you help.
  3. Hi i'm getting the above error when trying to generate an xml for a MSCombi3D chart. my code below, most if not all of the chart param attributes were taken from the chart gallery ie Combination chart with 3d column & area. code === <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% option explicit %> <% 'We've included ../Includes/DBConn.asp, which contains functions 'to help us easily connect to a database. %> <!--#include file="../Includes/DBConn.asp"--> <% 'We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.asp, which FusionCharts ASP Class to help us easily embed the charts. %> <!--#include file="../Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.asp"--> <% 'This page generates the XML data Dim FC ' Create FusionCharts ASP class object set FC = new FusionCharts ' Set chart type Call FC.setChartType("MSCombi3D") Call FC.setSize("600","400") ' Set Relative Path of swf file. Call FC.setSWFPath("../FusionCharts/") ' Define chart attributes Dim strParam strParam="bgColor=E9E9E9;outCnvBaseFontColor=666666;caption=Sales Comparison; xAxisName=Month; yAxisName=Sales;showBorder=1; formatNumber=1; formatNumberScale=0; decimals=0;showValues=0;plotFillAlpha=70; numVDivLines=10; showAlternateVGridColor=1; AlternateVGridColor=e1f5ff; divLineColor=e1f5ff; vdivLineColor=e1f5ff; baseFontColor=666666;canvasBorderThickness=1;showPlotBorder=0;plotBorderThickness=0;startAngX=7;endAngX=7;startAngY=-18;endAngY=-18;zgapplot=20;zdepth= 60;exeTime=2;chartOrder=area,column" 'Set chart attributes Call FC.setChartParams(strParam) ' Fetch data records using SQL Query Dim strQuery strQuery = "select * from SalesByMonthCYLY order by ChartDate" Dim oRs 'Create the recordset to retrieve data Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) 'Pass the SQL Query result to the FusionCharts ASP Class function If Not oRs.bof Then Call FC.addDataset("WeightCurrYr","showValues=0;renderAs=Column") Do while Not oRs.eof Call FC.addCategory(oRs("Month"),"", "") Call FC.addChartData(oRs("WeightCY"), "", "") oRs.MoveNext Loop Call FC.addDataset("SalesLastYr","showValues=0;renderAs=Area") oRs.MoveFirst Do while Not oRs.eof Call FC.addChartData(oRs("WeightLY"), "", "") oRs.MoveNext Loop End If oRs.Close set oRs=Nothing 'Set Proper output content-type Response.ContentType= "text/xml" 'Just write out the XML data Response.Write(FC.getXML()) %> === any help would be much appreciated. Jerry
  4. i'm hopin someone can help me with this the error i'm getting is; === Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01C2) Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment /Tracking4/FusionCharts/Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.asp, line 1012 === the xml data file code is; === <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% option explicit %> <% 'We've included ../Includes/DBConn.asp, which contains functions 'to help us easily connect to a database. %> <!--#include file="../Includes/DBConn.asp"--> <% 'We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.asp, which FusionCharts ASP Class to help us easily embed the charts. %> <!--#include file="../Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.asp"--> <% 'This page generates the XML data Dim FC ' Create FusionCharts ASP class object set FC = new FusionCharts ' Set chart type Call FC.setChartType("MSComlumnLine3D") ' Set Relative Path of swf file. Call FC.setSWFPath("../FusionCharts/") ' Define chart attributes Dim strParam strParam="caption=Sales Comparison; xAxisName=Month; yAxisName=Sales;showBorder=1; formatNumber=1; formatNumberScale=0; decimals=0" 'Set chart attributes Call FC.setChartParams(strParam) ' Fetch data records using SQL Query Dim strQuery strQuery = "select Month, SalesCY, SalesLY from SalesByMonthCYLY" Dim oRs 'Create the recordset to retrieve data Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) 'Pass the SQL Query result to the FusionCharts ASP Class function If Not oRs.bof Then Call FC.addDataset("SalesCurrYr","") Do while Not oRs.eof Call FC.addCategory(oRs("Month"),"", "") Call FC.addChartData(oRs("SalesCY"), "", "") oRs.MoveNext Loop Call FC.addDataset("SalesLastYr","") oRs.MoveFirst Do while Not oRs.eof Call FC.addChartData(oRs("SalesLY"), "", "") oRs.MoveNext Loop End If oRs.Close set oRs=Nothing 'Set Proper output content-type Response.ContentType= "text/xml" 'Just write out the XML data Response.Write(FC.getXML()) %> ===