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About Webfab_Staffan

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  1. Problem with second call to the setDataUrl function in IE7

    I can confirm that this was the problem... although i stumbled on the solution my self for sometime ago i appritiate the response an maybe this thread will help som other dude that currently is banging his head at the wall for the same reason as i once did
  2. I use the Javascript object that is shipped with Fusion Chart v3.06 to load my chart, everything works fine in both FireFox and IE7 the first time that i load the graph. I use the setDataURL function to load the xml data into my Column3D.swf. Now if i want to reload the graph once using the setDataURL function in IE7 i get an alert dialog that has the following error message "Out of memory on line: 286" but i FireFox it works fine, im sure that the first call to setDataURL has finished before calling it the second time this i've checked with the FC_Rendered function. Any one else experience the same problems or have any ideas/solutions on how to fix this?