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About asavva

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    Junior Member
  1. Bubble Chart problem

    I have been using both code sections in my charts the one for number formatting and the other for changing line in the tooltip but when i used them for Bubble chart none of them is working. 1) formatNumber='1' formatNumberScale='1' numberScaleValue='1000,1000,1000' numberScaleUnit='K,M,B' 2) toolText='MCC Group = Recurring Transaction %26amp;lt;BR%26amp;gt; Activity level = Medium%26amp;lt;BR%26amp;gt;Value=556569.07' Thanking you in advance and waiting for your reply Antonis Savva
  2. I have been using both code sections in my charts the one for number formatting and the other for changing line in the tooltip but when i used them for Bubble chart none of them is working. 1) formatNumber='1' formatNumberScale='1' numberScaleValue='1000,1000,1000' numberScaleUnit='K,M,B' 2) toolText='MCC Group = Recurring Transaction %26amp;lt;BR%26amp;gt; Activity level = Medium%26amp;lt;BR%26amp;gt;Value=556569.07' Thanking you in advance and waiting for your reply Antonis Savva
  3. Resize chart with javascript

    Thanks i have done it succesfully, but another problem i face, is the background image when i set the height for the Bar2D chart over 6000px the backround image doesn't showing and the chart changes colours, any suggestions pls Thanking you in advance.
  4. I have a bar chart in a drilldown application. Sometimes the chart has 10 bars and sometimes has the 200 bars, in that case i want to resize the chart so it will be readable when i have a lot of records. I tried with javascript and nothing happens. Is there any suggestion, pls this is urgent.
  5. How to Print Fusion Chart

    i didnt manage to make it work. what is "FC.Handler" and were i can find it