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About ade

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    Forum Newbie
  1. I have users who like to generate plots with lots of data / thousands of points. Eg 8000 data points which equates to an XML document of just under 1000KB. This takes some time for the browser to read into memory and then for the flash script to do its job. I was wondering if it would be worth considering an alternative XML vocabulary which is an abbreviated version of the current vocabulary. Maybe something which looks like : <chart> <categories> <c l='2007-06-06' /> <c l='2007-06-07' /> </categories> ... <data> <s i='1' v='10' /> <s i='2' v='3' /> ... <data> <chart> An XML vocuabulary of this nature would reduce file sizes for the datasets I work with by up to 50%.
  2. Hi, thanks. Links are working now. And as you say you need to 'Enable Links' . I don't supposse there is a setting in Flash or some other means of permanently or forcing 'Enable Links' tp be on?
  3. Hi, I have charts which are quite wide and scroll to the right. It would be nice to be able to show legends beginning from the (bottom) left of the chart in such instances rather than centred.
  4. I'd like to able to added links from a Dragable chart. I've tried using <set id="1" value="12" link="hello.html"/> syntax in a DragLine chart but this does not work. Is it possible to have links in a DragLine chart?
  5. I am trying to return the data updated from a Drag-able chart : where the chart is ouput via : echo "var chart1 = new FusionCharts("Charts/DragColumn2D.swf and the chart element is : from the online documentation it looked as if the processing script could simply capture the updated xml by something like : <?php /* $Id update_sta.php */ $data = $_GET["strXML"]; but this doesn't work for me. There is an example for ASP capturing the response. I was wondering what a PHP equivalent would be.
  6. Has anyone had experience in using the dragable chart functionality and return the data to a php processing script?