Jim van Gulik

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About Jim van Gulik

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    Junior Member
  1. Background Style On Error

    We know. That's why we are bumping this thread so you will put it on the backlog
  2. Background Style On Error

    It is indeed quite a show stopper for dashboards with live data.
  3. Background Style On Error

    That's too bad. Would really be an improvement for monitoring dashboards with a fixed interval for refreshing data. Clearing the text and changing the background color does help a bit. Thanks anyway!!
  4. Background Style On Error

    Thanks I already tried this trick and it does help a bit. However, the screen still flickers (shows an empty screen) before redrawing the chart. I would like to avoid the flickering screen effect.
  5. Background Style On Error

    There's a chart on the screen, which has been fed with data via setJSONUrl("..."). Every 30 seconds I would like to refresh the data and redraw the chart. When I do this (via javascript) the entire chart is cleared, reloaded (setJSONUrl) and redrawn (render). When the chart is cleared the message "loading data..." will appear. Take a look at the example image. First picture is chart with data. When I reload the data, the second image will be shown and after reloading and rendering the third image. I would like to avoid seeing the second image. Is this possible?
  6. Background Style On Error

    Definitely!! Thanks a lot. This looks much better. I was close, but not close enough. Where can I find the different constructors? I have found that there are different types of constructors, but I can't seem to find the one you mentioned (with the background color). Is there a way to avoid the flickering altogether? I am aware of the live data streaming possibilities, but I am wondering if there is a way to reload the data (setJSONUrl) and refresh (render) the chart without the chart flickering (switching to the "loading data..." screen.
  7. Background Style On Error

    Hi, Is there a way to change the background style (color, font folor, maybe an image) of the screen that says "Loading data" or more importantly "Error loading data"? I have changed the background color of the div, the background color of the chart (which does work). However, I am not able to find a way to change the background style when an error (or loading) message appears). I have found how I can change the messages, but not the background style. Any help will be appreciated.
  8. Json Serialization With .net Typenamehandling

    Thanks for the effort! Although this wasn't really what I meant. You have provided an example where the JSON data is read from a file. My problem occured with JSON serialization (from a webservice or MVC controller). However, I have managed to get it to work. I have added some extra properties which resulted in the correct JSON format. Thanks anyway! Regards, Jim
  9. Json Serialization With .net Typenamehandling

    It's a very basic Line chart. A sample would be great, thanks!
  10. Hi, I am testing Fusion Charts with JSON serialization. The data required by Fusion Charts is (for example): { "chart": {"lowerlimit":"0","upperlimit":"100","lowerlimitdisplay":"Bad","upperlimitdisplay":"Good","numbersuffix":"%","showvalue":"1"}, "colorrange": {"color":[ {"minvalue":"0","maxvalue":"75","code":"FF654F"}, {"minvalue":"75","maxvalue":"90","code":"F6BD0F"}, {"minvalue":"90","maxvalue":"100","code":"8BBA00"} ] }, "dials":{"dial":[{"value":"92"}]}} I have created a ChartData class with a Chart property and a collection List<Color> ColorRange; When I serialize the data, this is the result: { "chart":{"lowerlimit":"0","lowerlimitdisplay":"bad","numbersuffix":"%","showvalue":"1","upperlimit":"100","upperlimitdisplay":"good"}, "colorrange":[ {"code":"ff654f","maxvalue":"75","minvalue":"0"}, {"code":"f6bd0f","maxvalue":"90","minvalue":"75"}, {"code":"8bba00","maxvalue":"100","minvalue":"90"} ] } .... The problem is that .NET doesn't serialize the "color" TypeName. I have been looking at standard .NET and I even have been testing JSON.NET, but I can't seem to make this work. So I need: "colorrange":{"color": {"code":" ... Instead of: "colorrange":[ {"code":"ff654f"," Do you have a sample code or application where .NET is used to provide Fusion Charts with JSON data? Thanks in advance Jim