Hi everybody,
I am using FusionCharts in an asp.net application.
Everything is working fine ecxept the automatic ToolTip.
The problem showed up when I started rendering my chart inside an asp.net page that is loaded into a fancybox.
I used the following code to show the chart, but no tooltip shows up :
var myChart = new FusionCharts(chartType, divId + "Chart", "600", "450", "0");
I have even tried to use the jquery plugin and insert the whole chart into the page (which is loaded in fancybox) like this :
$("#" + divId).insertFusionCharts({
swfUrl: chartType,
renderer: "JavaScript",
dataSource: chartDescription,
dataFormat: "xml",
width: "600",
height: "450",
id: divId + "Chart"
But still no success with the tooltip!!!
Any help is appreciated, its frustrating!
Thanks in advance