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Everything posted by papon

  1. Impossible To Set Y Min As 0

    Hi, i´m trying to set the y min in a MSStackedColumn2DLineDY setting the principal and secondary axis to 0, but not works, but if i set to -100, works fine. There aren´t negative values. ¿what is the problem? Many thanks. ej_1.xml ej_1.html
  2. Impossible To Set Y Min As 0

    I´m stupid, or blind, perhaps both, many thanks
  3. Hi all, i have a page with about 15 charts, all msline, each one with a different ID and a random param in the object swf call. The page also have an asp directive for no caching: <%@ OutputCache Location="None" VaryByParam="None" %> Example of js code: var myChart_GraficoA = new FusionCharts("../../../FusionCharts/charts/FusionCharts/MSLine.swf?nocache=GraficoA1317158920&LoadDataErrorText=.", "FusionCharts_GraficoA", "1150", "450", "0", "1"); myChart_GraficoA.setTransparent(true); myChart_GraficoA.render("Div_GraficoA"); Sometimes all charts loads ok, but others only loads the 4 first, only one, or all but one. I need help with this, thanks for your time.
  4. Hi Basundhara Ghosal, thanks for your help. I was using this method because normally i
  5. Hi Rajroop, thanks for your reply. I think thah i
  6. The problem also happens in pages with only 3 or 4 charts. Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi Basundhara Ghosal, I
  8. Still persists the problem.
  9. More info, app running in IE7 (not accesible with other browsers). thanks!
  10. Hi, i have a problem with a chart. I have customized the '[x|y]Axis[Max|Min]Value' of a Combi2DDY chart, and now i can Combi2DDY_1.xml Combi2DDY_2.xml
  11. with the FCF_MSColumn2DLineDY.swf object the problem doesn
  12. Thanks for your time Madhumita, i have the site license, and i
  13. What is this line??

    Hi, i have a little problem, when a serie in a pie charts is bigger than 75% will appear a line belong the center of the pie, if i rotate the pie, for something angles appears and for others not appears. how can i disable it? i
  14. What is this line??

    thanks for your response, i increase the size of the chart and the line disappears, strange solution
  15. What is this line??

    I have the same problem in 2D view, if the tooltip appears "over" this line, later this space will be without line :crazy: If i slice a serie, the line disappears, if i click again appears. I put the same xml in the pie3d example code and this line not appears, i can
  16. What is this line??

    This is the XML