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About nightmare67

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  1. Success... It works with the latest version. Now I need to know how to download the latest version. I have the information for the company account just not sure where to get the latest version from. Thanks for the help !
  2. I have not downloaded yet because I do not have the info for the company's account. When I look at the Version.txt file under the FusionCharts folder, I see this line Current Version:FusionCharts XT (v3.2.2) Service Release 2 (Released on 25th January, 2012) Is that the latest one ? If not, I will get the account info from my boss and download the new one. I have also took off al the coloring, background gradient and such and made very plain chart and still had the same issue. Thanks
  3. Charts work fine in flash but when I change it to setCurrentRenderer('javascript'), it displays everything in the chart but the graphs. All the text, background, division lines, trendlines etc are all there but the bars or the pies. Attached are the pictures while in JS mode - broken - and while in Flash mode - working. I tried loading a graph by itself and tried taking all the print managing stuff off. Here is an xml to one of them. XML is actually returned from a PHP function from another file in an MVC framework - Codeigniter. <chart caption="86,124 Total Students" subCaption="Number of students by ethnicity for year 2011 - 2012." labelDisplay="none" captionPadding="5" showLabels="1" showValues="1" decimals="0" placeValuesInside="1" rotateValues="0" showBorder="0" numDivLines="4" formatNumberScale="0" showPlotBorder="0" canvasBorderThickness="0" canvasBorderColor="FFFFFF" canvasBorderAlpha="0" chartTopMargin="0" showShadow="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" plotGradientColor="FFFFFF" plotFillRatio="80, 90" bgAlpha="0" showlegend="0" showVLineLabelBorder="1" labelPadding="5" legendPadding="20" showlimits="0" > <categories> <category label='Asian {br}%3.3' ></category> <category label='African {br} %9.1' ></category> <category label='Hispanic {br} %60.5' ></category> <category label='Native {br} %0.3' ></category> <category label='Pacific Isl. {br} %0.1' ></category> <category label='White {br}%24.4' ></category> <category label='Two or More {br} %2.3' ></category> </categories> <dataset color='AFD7F8' > <set value='2858' ></set> <set value='7812' ></set> <set value='52140' ></set> <set value='222' ></set> <set value='61' ></set> <set value='21057' ></set> <set value='1974' ></set> </dataset> <trendLines> <line startValue="0" color="696969" displayvalue="" thickness="3" showOnTop="1" ></line> </trendLines> <styles> <definition> <style name="myCaptionFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="16" color="b97c18" bold="1" underline="0" ></style> <style name="mySubCaptionFont" type="font" font="Arial" color="b97c18" bold="0" underline="0" ></style> <style name="myLegendFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="13" bold="0" underline="0" ></style> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="Caption" styles="myCaptionFont" ></apply> <apply toObject="SubCaption" styles="mySubCaptionFont" ></apply> <apply toObject="Legend" styles="myLegendFont" ></apply> </application> </styles> </chart> var studentData = <?php echo json_encode($students['xml']);?>; var chartObj1 = new FusionCharts("assets/FusionCharts/Charts/MSColumn2D.swf", "<?=$students['chartName']?>Ch", "460", "240", "0", "0"); chartObj1.setXMLData(studentData); chartObj1.render("<?=$students['chartName']?>Chart");