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About Sarine

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  1. Hi, We have downloaded FusionCharts trial v3.3.0 for evaluating our demand,and find that it is very attractive. But we found some problems when we want to zoom-in and zoom-out in IE8 with 3D single Y Combination Chart (MSCombi3D.swf). That is, when we put our cursor at the left-top corner of the chart, the zoom-in and zoom-out functionality using mouse scroller works fine. However, when we put the cursor at other place, such as right-button corner of the chart, and roll the mouse scroller, the chart did not zoom-in and zoom-out. Besides, this situation only happened when we set a smaller chart size, such as 50% width and 35% height. Following is our source code and the attachment is the snapshot. By the way, we have tried this problem in IE8 and Chrome, and it only appear in IE8. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>My First chart using FusionCharts - JSON data URL</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartDiv" align="center"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var JSONString = '{ "chart": { "palette": "2", "caption": "Country Comparison", "showlabels": "1", "showvalues": "0", "decimals": "0", "numberprefix": "{:content:}quot;, "clustered": "0", "exetime": "1.5", "showplotborder": "0", "zgapplot": "30", "zdepth": "90", "divlineeffect": "emboss", "startangx": "10", "endangx": "18", "startangy": "-10", "endangy": "-40" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "Austria" }, { "label": "Brazil" }, { "label": "France" }, { "label": "Germany" }, { "label": "USA" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "seriesname": "1998", "color": "8BBA00", "showvalues": "0", "data": [ { "value": "45000.65" }, { "value": "44835.76" }, { "value": "18722.18" }, { "value": "77557.31" }, { "value": "92633.68" } ] }, { "seriesname": "1997", "color": "F6BD0F", "showvalues": "0", "data": [ { "value": "57401.85" }, { "value": "41941.19" }, { "value": "45263.37" }, { "value": "117320.16" }, { "value": "114845.27" } ] }, { "seriesname": "1996", "color": "AFD8F8", "showvalues": "0", "data": [ { "value": "25601.34" }, { "value": "20148.82" }, { "value": "17372.76" }, { "value": "35407.15" }, { "value": "38105.68" } ] } ], "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "captionFont", "type": "font", "size": "15" } ], "application": [ { "toobject": "caption", "styles": "captionfont" } ] } }'; var myChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/MSCombi3D.swf", "myChartId", "50%", "35%", "0", "1" ); myChart.setJSONData(JSONString); myChart.render("chartDiv"); </script> </body> </html>